Pizzagate "Fiction"

in #pizzagate7 years ago

To borrow a page from Hollywood let's call this fiction. This allows it to be dismissed immediately because it's presented merely to entertain. Calling it fiction also serves to condition us to dismiss it in the future if we hear about it later because we'll say, "I remember this. It's fiction. It's not real".

So, this is fiction.

Pizzagate is difficult to contemplate much less believe. Reports are thousands of missing/stolen children are now being released from captivity.

The perpetrators are one of two types - the true "Lizard People" that are masterminding the evil in the world today and the "Stooges" that sign up to support the agenda of the Lizard People in exchange for fame, wealth, access, standing, power, inclusion, etc. Many Stooges are "Brownstoned" which means they are unwilling participants but get compromised through nefarious means. See

Pedophilia and child sacrifice accomplish several objectives for the Lizard People:

First, the Stooges agree to participate in these rituals in exchange for access to the top levels in the current power structure in the world. They are videotaped and photographed in these heinous acts with the understanding that if they fail to fulfill their side of the bargain at some point in the future the videos/photos may be released. Stooges understand this will forever destroy their standing in any community they are part of. Not just their careers but how could they possibly explain what they did to their friends and families? This provides the Lizard People with loyalty (i.e. Stooges are blackmailable, i.e. they are controllable) from the best and brightest in the most powerful positions in the world pyramid organizations - government, corporations, the military, entertainment, media, etc.

Second, the Lizard People don't want people who will stop at boundaries when it comes time to perform what is required of them. Those that don't participate for ethical/religious/moral/etc. reasons are not allowed into the upper echelons of the organizations.

Third, the victimized children that survive are destroyed emotionally and, with expert and long-developed psychological techniques, can be manipulated to do the will of the Lizard People for the rest of their lives.

Think Stockholm syndrome times infinity. In their broken state, and with careful psychological management and the use of pharmaceutical drugs, these unfortunate now-adults can be called upon to do whatever is needed to pursue the Lizard agenda - mall/school shootings, suiciding enemies, up to and including becoming 'Super Soldiers'.

We don't notice when over 300 bankers commit suicide over the past few years (one committed suicide by shooting himself in the head six times with a nail gun). We don't notice when over 100 people in a position to cause the Clintons serious problems dating back to their Arkansas days die suddenly - many in the past two years alone.

We don't notice when celebrities that speak publicly about conspiracies, etc., die suddenly. Prince on a talk show going on and on about chemtrails and otherwise not playing along in the music industry. Michael Jackson refusing to shut up about the powerful people taking advantage of him, George Michael saying Sony made a 'slave' out of him, etc. Add your own examples here.

The list of celebrities, business leaders and government leaders that exhibit leadership for the common good that die in single car crashes/small plane crashes/of mysterious and/or sudden, deadly ailments is extensive and way out of proportion to statistical probability.

Pizzagate is, unfortunately, just the tip of the iceberg.

The Lizard People participate in child rape and child sacrifice because they are nourished by our fear, anger, hatred and terror. Their Stooges participate for access to the upper echelons of society.

How often do we say, "It makes no sense" and "How can they be so stupid?" Once we wake up we never say those things again. Instead we say, "I can't believe it took me so long to see it".

Since this is fiction: And they lived happily ever after.

The End

Epilogue: Remember in the 'Wizard of Oz' when Dorothy pours water on the Wicked Witch of the West (Lizard) and the witch melts into a pile of goo? Then Dorothy and her friends look at the Stooges of the Witch in fear because they think the Stooges will attack them for killing their leader. What happens next? The Stooges are immediately released from their captivity (it is the movies, after all) and they thank Dorothy for freeing them.

When we start seeing the Stooges change sides that will be a very, very good sign.

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