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RE: [piston.web] First Open Source Steem GUI - Searching for alpha testers
Funny, my original comment mentioned having thousands of clones of, but I ended up removing that part before I posted and talked about how this gets us a step closer. Maybe some day that code can also be decentralized, self-hosted, and distributed. Either way, thanks again for all your hard work, @xeroc! To me, stuff like this is the difference between success and... something else that isn't success. :)
In the realm of decentralized services, I think that consul is really, really overlooked, especially the potential of consul, coupled with ultra-low-cost servers. Once a machine is in a consul cluster, it is "bound" to the consul master and that master can execute commands on it as though it were root.
Consul also manages services and service discovery.
It can be run alongside Nomad, which can schedule anything that can be run on linux in an extremely neat, tight fashion.
I wanted to add the ability to change the API node. piston allows that already, but the gui has no feature for that yet. It will come for sure.
Yes, we need each one a node, unfortunately actually steem doesn't build on ubuntu 14 or debian jesse so it's really difficult to get one, the to be sure nobody will get one they take this wonderful instructions and no bin release actually I find this a shame... Fortunatly at least @xeroc works with us :)