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RE: [piston.web] First Open Source Steem GUI - Searching for alpha testers

in #piston9 years ago

"from any device any where in the world and "the server" never goes down because there is no server besides the blockchain, that's just amazing"

This! Remember all the times your favorite sites have downtime and/or DDOS and/or something else. No downtime on blockchain, ever!


Currently, there still is a central point of failure and that is the API server. However, I plan to extend this quite a bit and use geolocated DNS with several servers around the globe to make it more robust ..

I think it would be more impotent to have a way for independent community members to run API nodes them self, then having a nice geo redundant deployment managed by one party.

What dose the API Server consists of? Is this just the API of steemd or is there another service involved and if so would it be possible to have the code available to play around with and try to build a independent setup connecting to a local steem-node?

Not to be ungrateful, my first reaction to this post was off course: awesome, finally a way to use steem independent of like a real decentralized app. And it still locks to me a lot like that, only this small part seems missing, so thanks a lot for this awesome project!


Wouldn't it be a good idea to offer an incentive for running an API server in steemd itself? Like Masternodes for DASH, or an Incentive Node for VCASH.

Absolutely, I think it can be easily done by just asking Steem to pay for their public APIs. A post about the APIs statistics now and then might bring in enough money to continue service. Time will tell.

Is it hard to run your own API server?

I think someone has even created a docker image for steem .. search on steemit or github

Yes it is hard if you are fluent with the required programming language.

Funny, my original comment mentioned having thousands of clones of, but I ended up removing that part before I posted and talked about how this gets us a step closer. Maybe some day that code can also be decentralized, self-hosted, and distributed. Either way, thanks again for all your hard work, @xeroc! To me, stuff like this is the difference between success and... something else that isn't success. :)

In the realm of decentralized services, I think that consul is really, really overlooked, especially the potential of consul, coupled with ultra-low-cost servers. Once a machine is in a consul cluster, it is "bound" to the consul master and that master can execute commands on it as though it were root.

Consul also manages services and service discovery.

It can be run alongside Nomad, which can schedule anything that can be run on linux in an extremely neat, tight fashion.

I wanted to add the ability to change the API node. piston allows that already, but the gui has no feature for that yet. It will come for sure.

Yes, we need each one a node, unfortunately actually steem doesn't build on ubuntu 14 or debian jesse so it's really difficult to get one, the to be sure nobody will get one they take this wonderful instructions and no bin release actually I find this a shame... Fortunatly at least @xeroc works with us :)

It's not entirely correct. The default piston setup connects to as the backend API server. However you can already change it to your own node by running

piston set node ws://ip:port

There will be a nicer gui feature to do this eventually.

WoW 40 grand dollar fot this post, thats way beyond sick :o

Would be interesting if this became a successful method for funding open source projects wouldn't it?

Absolute ;)

Considering the work Xeroc does? This is like maybe half what a single developer would make in a year. Xeroc has been giving away tons of free code for the bitshares community as long as there has been a bitshares. I just did the math at 40g's he's made about $1.50 per hr.

Yeah it's sick. This man is probably the least appreciated contributor here. This tool is friggin awesome! I don't do python but I'm reading the code and learning the internals of how this stuff works, which is great because our devs don't do documentation.

Wish there was a tipping option for people like Xeroc!

WoW 40 grand dollar fot this post, thats way beyond sick :o

I tend to agree. Thought it might reach a couple $k, but >$40k is .. quite some appreciation :)

Me also. But you deserve it. You did an super jobb making this. This is why steemit is so amazing. It helps out who deserve it. Keep up the good work mate. Im suprised

I still have that Acidyo BitcoinTalk account available for sale 60 Steem and its yours.

Hey am new on steemit please support me to grow.
Hope you will help me out....

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