RE: 2018 PISA Rankings
Um, actually South Africa is (again) a member of the OECD ( and one of the things I had to do for my Australian client was monitor the reports on South Africa emanating from the OECD for the projects in which we had an interest: foundation and TVET teacher training.
It's interesting that in Tanzania or is it Zambia - both use kiSwahili as an official language - language of instruction is mother tongue to about year 5 or 6 and then it changes to English. That said, there is a pan-African movement to introduce African languages into universities, not just for their litereature, but as a language of learning, discourse and research. My alma mater, Rhodes University, under the leadership of Professor Russel Kaschula (we studied together) is a key, international proponent of this.
I should find, and send you in a DM, if you're interested, a timeline of events in South African history and how they correlate with events affecting the training of artisans and the separate education systems. It was evidence as part report and recommendations to a corporate client a few years ago. From 1948 politics and education were even more inextricably linked.
Oh, and of course, let's not get into how the role of universities has changed from one of the pursuit of knowledge to job mills in the guise of knowledge production.
Ok, it's time I got on with something else before I really get going.
Good afternoon from the other side ;)
As I know south africa is a key partner of the OECD, but they are not actually an OECD member (there are 36 and none in Africa). SA are BRICS amd G20 though. They are upper middle development and I'm not sure why they aren't a full member or on the list.
Now I'm really curious about this.
I do think research and academic studies should be conducted more in native languages especially if there is demand and if it will improve edication.
Ah, yes, there is a distinction and South Africa is a member of the Commonwealth and sometimes there is a connection between OECD work and Unesco. It all gets a bit confusing. I've been to conferences where the findings of OECD research in South Africa is shared for the first time. That said, it's all now in a past life...and I watch it all from the periphery and weigh in. From time to time. Like this.
I think the increasing use of mother tongue can only be of benefit to improving the general level of education and the way the general population gets on with life. I do know from the work I was doing that, again, my alma mater was the first university in South Africa to graduate mother tongue (isiXhosa) foundation phase teachers, i.e. qualified to teach in that language and not English. And that was in the last few years and was in the "happening" before I stopped working in the area.