Life as a pirate
So ive been travelling the big blue for over a decade now, ive been referred to as a bit of a loner, a bit of a drunk, they tell me my attire is "Unfashionable". Personal hygiene probably isnt the best and quite often i get told my manners are just plain unrully.
Well its just plain simple i say "im a bloody pirate"...
I have tried it all, fitting into society as one of the many. But theres no place for pirates in our world of today, i dream big and i get small. I fight for the good and end up in the bad. Im sure im not the only one that has felt like that hill we climb is getting steeper and higher.
Supposedly money is not everything, i can agree to a certain extent that yes money is not everything but unless you are happy to live in a mud hut eating dandelions and shagging spiders then yea i can see a certain attraction to money. And i would say that most people that say "money isnt everything" have more than the $27 i have in my account right now.
But then name a pirate that was rich and flowing with bounty that gave up the climb to the top of that hill, no one will ever stop wanting more than what they have. Its normal i guess.
But right now, i am not climbing that hill. Maybe later ill give it another go but im really not bothered im just gonna sit back and watch the waves.
I come up with ideas all the time, great ideas, ideas that would make loads of money and then i say to myself "well ant that something, ill write that down" and instead i pour myself another rum and the whole writing it down became the good idea in the end, because god knows what idea that was by the time morning would come.
I would really like to do something big to help the world, i think this alot. No bull#hit, i really do wanna help out. But by the time that big rush of enthusiasm comes and the excitement of thinking oooooo this is gonna be it! The bloody ship gets a hole in it or the parrots are stuck up the cooks arse and costing me money. The joys over, the idea is dead and the rum is in the plenty so we hit the replay button.
I feel like without those little rushes of hope that life would be quite boring for a man like myself, one can reflect on himself all he wants but the truth be told a bottle of rum and a bag of stardust makes me feel just as, if not more happy than the initial excitement of something new. ( i say this completely indenial ) as i raise my glass haha
I seem to be quite good at creating small victories for myself for example the other day i replaced the main mast of my ship, this took alot of work and because the chest isnt exactly flowing with the bullion it took me a long time to get together what i needed to do this. The end result was brilliant but when i look back on the ship and her lovely new dress i see that i have extended my time at sea. I mean she looks great but now i can be blown further into the big blue with no idea where im going. Ive fuelled the one thing that keeps my head above water but at the same time drowns me in the long run.
So pour another rum you say? That i shall.
I tried myself in the navy ya know, yep no kidding. I tried and i conquered it, it was great but a hefty curve ball got thrown at me and my time was dismissed shorter than i had wished. I thought joining something, belonging to something bigger than me would fill that void that i always feel. That hope that seems to linger. It was just another thing to talk about in later days. I was brilliant at what i did but the old dna in ourselves is not changeable and there for i went back to my ship to ponder it all again.
I seen when i signed up to this bloggatory that if i read the instructions on how to steem it i would be given a picture of a kitten. Now i love animals. But a couple of kittens sleeping? Is this what people really want to see? I could post on social media that i just caught a mermaid doing backflips with tony hawk whilst riding a harley davidson in the big blue and that would get more interest than the young deckhand that got thrown overboard last week for stealing food because he hadnt eaten in 9 days.
A kitten is cute, but there must be more to it. Surely.
I get reception out here believe it or not. I see all these news people and famous folk all talking about how great life is on land with there fancy car and big house there college kids and there nice clothes and there " cute cats " and dogs. But i see everything from all the way out here in the ocean, i see on one side all the folk in there mud huts and on the other side all of the above, theres barely even a middle. It just happens. You are in the suburbs and then you rurn right and you in the ghetto, you walk out of the palace into the slums, you fly your jets over the dirt to get to the sands.
Does the open existence of such brilliant technology not work in the favor of those that need it? No, it works in the favor of those that use it. Social media from what i can see from way back here is not used for the benefits of the land dwellers but just another thing to fill that void that i was speaking about, that hope that something will happen or change for the better, for me and for everyone. One cute kitten at a time.
But if i have another rum and think about it all a little more maybe i will get somewere surely. Maybe ill write it all down.
Great article!
Great post I gave you a follow !
Thankyou, smooth sailing to you treyk6