Dangerous Friends -Red-bellied piranha - Pygocentrus nattereri - Обыкновенная пиранья
Yes, you did not misinterpret, it was friends. I bought these scary-looking fish when they were the size of fish scales. For a year and a half, they have become like their relatives, which terrify people in the Amazon basin. There are many legends about these fish. In this photo, the most aggressive representative of this genus is the Red-bellied Piranna, or Pygocentrus Natterer.
As the trainers of predatory animals have warm feelings for their pets, so I can not help saying warm words to these fish.
This fish with a great life potential. Not a single fish died. They are excellent nurses, after them, nothing remains. no waste when eating. If I did not know where to put a piece of meat, it's funny, right? They ate it completely, without rest. Sometimes, in the basement, the mouse came across a mousetrap. Fish were getting rid of uninvited guests.
Only the appearance of this fish is frightening. These fish are very timid. When I needed to clean the aquarium, they gathered in a group at the opposite wall of the aquarium and lay down on their side. Yes! They pretended to be dead. I calmly dropped my hand into the aquarium and cleaned it.
Being in the water, next to these predators, great sensations.
Water these fishes love warm, as in native waters. It is +28 - +30 degrees Celsius, or + 82.4 - 86 degrees according to Faringate.
It is desirable to make water acidic, for this I added peat extract.
This fish lives in flocks, she has instincts. I do not advise you to keep these fish alone. 5 -7 fish in one aquarium, I think this is the minimum.
Some special recommendations are not required, but it should be added that this fish grows quite large and requires a large aquarium for its development.
Photos taken with a Motorola RAZR V3
Author @barski