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RE: PILLAR TOKENS - Missing Tokens from your Order too ?

in #pillar7 years ago

You sent 1.685 ETH so I would expect you receive:

1.685 / 0.0005 (the sale price in ETH per token) = 3,370
10% Bonus presale of 3,370 x 0.10 = 337

TOTAL tokens = 3,707

So it looks correct to me. I think you are making the mistake of looking at everything in USD$. PLR was sold in terms of ETH not USD.

I hope this helps you.


That is correct. This is also what they said on the website. No errors here.

In the email newsletter they sent out before the sale they also said 0.0005 there per PLR. You got exactly what you paid for.

Hi, thank you for your comment.
It was explained to us as .10 cents per token.
that's why I spent 350 and expected 3500+350.

If JSNIP explained it wrong in the video conference with Dave,
I feel Dave should have corrected him and then I would
have been confused and wouldn't have invested.

But I bought under one pretense, I received under another.

Regardless, I appreciate your expertise and working the math for me.

It's just not what was presented in the early video interviews I watched
on Youtube with Joe and David.

I think @freeinthought is correct. You received even 10% extra tokens. Don't be nervous. The chance you make great returns on your investments is big. Just sit back and relax. Everything will be alright.

thanks Bro, I know you are right.

thanks Bart...

Ya right he works for Lykke coin that has the same idea. He writes articles for Lykke. It looks like they just took the same idea and made new coin out of it to make more money. Either way I am done with Lykke and anything involved with their company.

thank you for applying your crypto math,
I'm sure you are right,
I have allot more to learn in crypto, math included.

It's just it was presented in terms of .10 cents each to us on youtube in the interview between Joe and David, Kinda feel like david should have said something back then, maybe I wouldn't have invested.

The 10 cents was about right. Everybody understands what 10 cents represents. Most people have no idea what 0.0005 ETH is.

thanks for understanding Bart...

At the time Jsnip4 did his video Ethereum was about 200 bucks or about 10 cents per token. Just remember that USD means nothing to the cryptos, most are priced in BTC.

thank you, I'm getting that, but when you have no crypto, all you have is USD, and they were talking about USD, well ... you're expecting equivalent to USD.

It was confusing, but I am glad to see you did get them, afterall. I think it was explained wrong, by someone, and like wakeupnd said, it was based on the etherium price at the time of purchase. If it does what it is supposed to, you will probably be very happy.

it should be just fine :)

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