pilgromers all still jumrah aqobah and wustho and also ula throwing stones in mina
Some people think that throwing a sumrah is like throwing a demon who is being tied up in a jamroh monument. I was so confident with this belief, to the point that I was looking for a big rock to throw a piss. Even someone threw with sandals, shoes, bottles and others.
Quite reasonable this assumption; if we trace it turns out they argue with the words of Ibn Abbas radhiyallahu'anhuma when telling the story of Prophet Ibrahim 'peace be upon him
From Ibn Abbas radhiyallallahu'anhuma, he attributed this statement to the Prophet, "When Ibrahim the lover of Allah performed the Hajj, suddenly the Devil appeared before him on the Friday pilgrimage. Then Ibrahim threw the demon with seven pebbles, so the devil entered the ground. The devil appeared again on the second summon. Then Ibrahim threw the demon back with seven pebbles, so the devil entered the ground. Then the Devil revealed himself again in the third congregation. Then Ibrahim pelted the demon with seven pebbles, until the demon entered the ground ".
Ibn Abbas then said,.
Throwing a pomp or throwing a jumrah is an activity that is part of the annual pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The pilgrims threw small stones at three pillars (jumrah; Arabic: jamarah, plural: jamaraat) in a place called the Jumrah Bridge complex, in the town of Mina located near Mecca.
The pilgrims collected the rocks from the ground at the Muzdalifah expanse and released them. This activity is the ninth activity in a series of ritual activities that must be carried out during the pilgrimage, and generally attracts a very large number of participants (reaching more than a million worshipers).
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