What is the Pilgrims Society?
"The Pilgrims of Great Britain and its sister society, the Pilgrims of the United States, are the two oldest and most prestigious Anglo-American organisations on both sides of the Atlantic."
"The Pilgrims Society is a British-American deep state milieu dining club established 1902. The patron of the society is Elizabeth Windsor."
"Even today it’s members consist of the wealthiest businessman and the most influential politicians. It was erected over a century ago and meets at least 2 or 3 times a year. Still, 99% of the world has never heard of it. We’re talking about the Pilgrims Society."
"The heart of the British empire and the later British Commonwealth became the Pilgrims Society, it’s philosophies dominated by the executives of the upcoming mega corporations, largely located in the City of London and the city of New York."
"The club is secret. It might be one of those ’open-secrets’, but it’s secret nonetheless. If it wasn’t, we would have read about it in the history books, we would know all the details of the meetings, and we would have membership lists in the public domain"
"The Pilgrims Society is allied with the English-Speaking Union, which is an organization that promotes the use of the English language all over the world. The patron is the English queen and the president is prince Philip. The chairman, as far as we know, is always a member of the Pilgrims."
"The Pilgrims Society, founded on 16 July 1902 by Sir Harry Brittain, is a British-American society established, in the words of American diplomat Joseph Choate, ‘to promote good-will, good-fellowship, and everlasting peace between the United States and Great Britain‘. ‘"
"Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss the evil secret society called the Pilgrims Society. Once you see how this organization is responsible for war, strife, and white supremacy around the world, you will demand that your elected officials shut them down for being a domestic and foreign terrorist organization."
"Sep. 11, 2020—In 2007 and 2008, Paul A. Volcker and Henry A. Kissinger verified to the IRS that they were vice presidents of the Pilgrims Society of the United States.
The American Pilgrims are a mere satellite of the mother organization: the Pilgrims Society of Great Britain."
"Breathtakingly awesome research on the Pilgrims (creators of the SES) – DEFUND THE SES – NOW!!! This house of cards will come crashing down."
"The British-American Pilgrims Society steals and weaponizes trade secrets & patents for mass surveillance and media propaganda"
"It appears with the financial support of the Pilgrim Society, have our public schools and colleges stealthily inflicted these six conditions on a majority of America’s future leaders?"
"Richard welcomes a journalist and author who investigates the true motives and consequences of the Pilgrim Society. Early members of the Society included J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew Mellon, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Paul Warburg, Mortimer I. Schiff, Otto Kahn, and John D. Rockefeller. Although the Pilgrim Society and the powerful men involved are often praised for their philanthropic actions, Richard's guest reveals that the Society was self-serving and subjected the American people to a brutal system of economic tyranny, one which is still in place today."
"SCOTUS John Roberts wife, Jane Sullivan Roberts consults for many of the Leading “Pilgrims Society Companies” throughout the world in Satellite Technology, Law and Big Pharma. And just what is the Pilgrims Society? In short, it is the collective of the Great Merchants of the Earth, World Bankers and Royal Crowns who aspire to have one global world that they rule."
"The Pilgrims Society has been “keeping the world on the right track” (Congressional Record, August 19, 1940) and it is “the most powerful international society on earth” and is “so wrapped in silence that few Americans know of its existence since 1903” (“The Empire of The City---World Superstate,” 1946). It holds the management reins of Bilderberg, Trilaterals, CFR and many more!"
"The PILGRIM SOCIETY is a subversive and one-world society created in the vision and for the mission of Ruskin and Rhodes’ elite of race patriots.[9] The Cecil Rhodes Round Table Group of Great Britain created its twisted sister, Pilgrim Society, in America for its British cousin race patriots."
"Our history books are silent about the Pilgrims Society that has controlled the MSM (mainstream media) with lies for 120 years"
"The Pilgrims control all British and American intelligence (MI5, MI6, GCHQ, Foreign Office, FBI, C.I.A., NSA, GlaxoSmithKline, State Department)"
Pilgrims Society Controls Planet Earth
Pilgrims Society Membership List
The Pilgrims Society: Does It Secretly Control the United States?
Papadopoulos explains the war between the Pilgrim Society and Skull & Bones for US Presidency