[Eng-Esp]Funny wall decoration inspired by piglets
Hello friends of the beehive, nice to greet you 😘 in this new opportunity that I have to meet you I want to present you this beautiful wall ornament inspired by piglets made with useful material
Hola amigos de la colmena, gusto en poder saludarles 😘 en esta nueva oportunidad que tengo que encontrarme con ustedes quiero presentarle este hermoso adorno de pared inspirado en los cerditos elaborado con material de provecho
Materials used//Material utilizados
* CD * cardboard * foami * paint * brush * thread * scissors * silicone
* CD * cardboard * foami * paint * brush * thread * scissors * silicone
The first thing he did was paint the CD in fuchsia and on cardboard he made the pieces to make the face of the pig
The first thing he did was paint the CD in fuchsia and on cardboard he made the pieces to make the face of the pig
Step 2//Paso2
In Cardboard I take out the leaves that will be decorated next to the thread, cut the edges which I glued to the thread
en Cartón saco las hojas que irán decorando junto al hilo, le cortó los bordes las cuales pegó al hilo
He glued the pink foami to the ears and the other parts to the CD, in foami he took out some circles to stick them next to the leaves on the thread
Pegó el foami rosado a las orejitas y las otras partes al cd, en foami saco unos círculos para pegarlos junto a las hojas en el hilo
To finish he assembled all the pieces so this beautiful wall ornament remains
Para finalizar armó todas las piezas así queda este hermoso adorno de pared
Thank you for visiting my Blog 💕 God bless you//Gracias por la visita a mi Blog 💕 Dios los bendiga