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RE: Hear ye: a short message from the High Priest of the Church of Piglet himself

in #piglet6 years ago

Fair enough, I'll stop with my name calling as you call it. In my defense, I believe the behavior warranted worse, but if it hurts my case I will stop. The arguments can stand on their own merits.

The specific evidence is right here...

Look at the voting history, in nearly every case he's only attacking those who are too weak to defend themselves. You're literally saying that's ok and you support it.

You say he doesn't have enough to do much damage. Yet you say you support his initiative.
You have enough to do some damage, your statements read like you plan to lend him your power, maybe rally more to his cause. You're an influencer, your opinion carries weight. Yet you say you can't take on big offenders who are likely to retaliate.

Listen to what you're saying. Read what I just wrote.

Do you realize that immediately after I said that this is hypocritical because these efforts aren't going after the big fish, just picking on the minnows, that you replied with what amounts to, "I'm going to only take on those who cannot defend themselves". Please tell me any other way that can even be read.

Either you believe what he is saying, "Bid bots are draining the reward pool", in which case you should take on the big fish, the ones actually draining the reward pool for profit. Or you don't believe what you're saying, in which case, carry on attacking those who cannot defend themselves, I guess.

How about this...
The people who truly believe in the story that the bid bots are draining the rewards pool unfairly, put your money where your mouth is. Buy some steem, or earn it and use it to downvote the owners of the bots, not the recipients of their upvotes. Show their owners that you aren't going to permit them to steal your hard fought rewards anymore.

Otherwise, you're passively leaching profits from people who invested money, time and resources in order to earn additional income. Soon you'll find that beating someone up and taking away their lunch money isn't going to work out well, because someone will see that you support this, they will invest the resources to equalize the situation and you will end up with retaliation from someone who is too big for you to defend against. That's where this leads.

Will it be me? No, I'll leave. I'll quit the platform and go elsewhere. Steemit for me and thousands of minnows like me, is just a way to get a few cents for something I would be doing for free anyways and I'm not paying the bots for their upvotes either. That little bit of income I can achieve is the only allure. If you take that away, then this place offers nothing. But when we leave, we don't just leave, we are influencers in our own circles and we warn others to stay away.

Creepy downvoting / flagging takes an emotional toll, because we are too small to defend ourselves and the fact that there are people here who seem to enjoy taking $0.60 away from someone who has no means of defense, is enough to make me warn friends about being here. Those friends have money, they might be interested in buying steem and profiting from it, whether by active or passive means, either way the fact people buy steem and use it as an investment vehicle is what gives it any value at all.

But if those same people see accounts like @church-of-piglet and yourself encouraging and participating in shameful behavior that amounts to online bullying and profiting from it, they just aren't going to waste the money. This means that growth stalls and attrition from the abuse, or simple lack of ability to earn anything here, takes the rest of the value proposition away.

I rest my case


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