Pierogi with a little soy sauce. Come at me.

in #pierogi3 years ago


I microwave my pierogies & eat them w applesauce cause I hate myself. I remember the Wagamamas here used to do fusion desserts and one was apple stuffed gyoza with a wasabi custard dipping sauce so you're rocking it :)

Sour cream and sriracha, or other, for me but sounds good as it is with non pierogi dumplings!. I loooove pierogis with soy sauce I thought I was the only one 🥺😋😋😋😋

I’ll stick with the church basement pierogi made by round women of a certain age and questionable character. Aka, professionals.

What is inside them? onion and potato ones are usually vegan! But always check. I’ve been buying a garlic flavoured one recently and it’s so good.

First of all yum! Secondly the pierogi on top looks like a mold for someone's dentures, and I see that foot photobombing, don't think I don't!

I wonder if people know the real taste of pierogi, the ones I've had outside Poland have been trash, thick dough, little, bland filling.

these were thai from the local thai shop ;)Labelled vegan and everything.
My friend send me , so she tells me what's good :D I thought the drab grey and general miasma of misery that is Nottingham would be a suitable backdrop.

Have you ever had the fruit filled pierogi? Fried with a little powdered sugar 🤤 I have had gyoza with fruit in, but not pierogis... Damn, I need to be less lazy and make some!

What about filled with peanut butter and then topped with chocolate drizzle Or bananas. I need to learn how to do this ASAP 😂 I figure it's not that far from gyoza and I'm not a big fan of cream sauces :)

I love me some sour cream but I’ve been doing that since I was a kid! It just made sense to me , ooh... I could give that a whirl! Hot sauce goes on everything :)


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