Denver Museum Visit
I'm posting this to share with someone special. It was a trip I took to the Denver Natural History Museum last fall. Or the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Whatever they are calling it these days. I had so many photos that I decided to post it here, rather than overload an email with attachments.
Starting with ... my favorite!
The gem and mineral hall.
Of course.
Yeah, a few of them are slightly out of focus.
So what?
Posing for the camera!
My son.
Crystal rainbows!
Other super cool stuff!
Bugs and space.
Do you know what star that is?
Dino hall, second favorite.
Other son.
Out of the dinosaur exhibit, on to the rest of the museum!
Tree rings.
Pause to take in the view of Denver from the museum windows.
I had some fun with these guys ... dragon art.
Not totally sure why these were in the Nature and Science Museum and not the art museum.
A few more museum-y things to see.
North American wildlife.
End of the day, on the way out.
Look carefully for the guardian of the parking garage!
It was a fun day!
LR 9/19/2018
Dude great photos! I attended the Denver Mineral Show back in September. Great time and they had some amazing crystals and minerals. If you have the chance go visit it next year.