Grand Unifying Theory possible with adjacent universe interactions?

in #physics8 years ago (edited)

I like to ponder about the nature of the multi-verse and a perspective that enables a theory that explains both quantum and macro. I find amusing partly because they are legitimately amusing, and partly because I created them. I want to share these fairly baseless ideas in hopes they are at least plausible or inspiring. I have spent dozens of hours working out a coherent perspective, and as it comes fully fleshed out, I also want to document it.

(Randomness Creates Spacetime) Matter antimatter pair generation happens constantly in empty space. Not just matter but all all types of energy are generated in empty space as part of the natural randomness of the universe. On rare occasion 2 particle pairs can be generated at the same time. If one waits long enough, pretty much forever, a universe will eventually by chance spawn from nothing with enough energy to fly apart. Our universe may exist because it is impossible not to. Though that begs to ask why randomness is the foundation of all realities in the first place. I really enjoy the theory behind the Amplituhedron, that locality and unitarity are emergent properties of some infinite dimensional object that is made of randomness. After all, this mathematical object is responsible for simplifying a book long quantum theory equation into a short formula. (It is also my first choice for tattoo)

(Similar Universes are More Common) It is not entirely useful to think of the multi-verse as simply every reality existing. What I think far more important is that some are more common than others, and postulating about what types of universes are most common. It is also useful to think of the adjacent universes, where adjacent is defined as a replica universe only different by some plank size value on a single particle.

(Relative Positions of Universes) I theorize the more similar another universe is to ours, the closer it is as measured in higher dimension. I think these adjacent universes are weakly interacting causing the apparent randomness we see on a quantum scale. The more similar a universe, the higher strength of interaction. One must travel very far in the multi-verse to find large objects out of place, but only travel a short distance to find a single particle out of place.

(Gravity Interacts with Similar Universes) Gravity affects objects in adjacent universes. It is plausible to me that the invisible source of gravity that is typically around strongly interacting matter called dark matter is simply the measured force of gravity being felt from adjacent and to a lesser extent similar universes.

(Energy Interacts with Similar Universes) Energy is able to travel between virtually identical universes just as it travels through our 3 dimensions.

(Similar Universe Interaction Limits Randomness) Energy interactions between nearly identical universes reduce randomness, especially upon on large concentrations of energy such as matter. If a rare event takes place in one universe that conflicts the vast majority of adjacent universes, these rare events have a tendency to be undone that is respective to the quantity of change and correlated to the percent of universes with conflicting outcomes as weighted by distance in the multi-verse. For example large amounts of matter in our universe have almost no chance of collectively making drastic random changes because the inherent dice rolls of randomness are weighted and loaded due to cross universe energy interactions, primarily gravity. Large objects are almost locked into a rut of near perfect predictability. Likewise tiny amounts of matter and energy can change states relatively easily as the amount of interaction from adjacent universes is that much weaker.

(Consciousness Interacts with Randomness) When a human mind focuses on a particle going through a slit, the reason it is slightly more likely to go through the slit is due to the multi-verse taking the path of least resistance. Adjacent universes have much less influence on a tiny particle than the human mind. Essentially it is easier to change the path of the photon than it is to change the human mind. This bias towards moving the particle, is tiny and probabilistic due to very weak interaction with adjacent universes. In addition to confirmation bias, I think that any aspect of human prayer or willpower having an effect on reality follows these rules, such that only minor events that were already likely will happen and only if the person had a lot of faith. Even the most minor event like a photon going through a slit, is barely influenced by thought, so I doubt prayer or willpower has any respectable power in the world. According to the study, even if one meditates regularly their influence over probability is only doubled and is still negligible. One way to test the path of least resistance theory with at least supporting evidence is to redo the consciousness double slit experiment with multiple people per particle to see the path is even more influenced. This is sort of done already with the global consciousness project which has shown that many minds focused on type of thought changes the output of random number generators around the world, indicating that randomness or consciousness are interacting and self-interacting concepts.

(Our Universe - Not Deterministic, Not Random ) Nearby universes, especially ones that are not adjacent, but still close enough to have a decent amount of interaction, are generally very similar on a large scale which can be modeled by the standard model, as the behavior of matter is far more "objective" in the sense of the multi-verse, while quantum physics is used to model the "subjective" behavior of our own universe, of particles that behave closer to the base randomness of reality and as such have a relatively flat Gaussian curve of future location and energy levels. On the other hand, something large like the moon, is very often in the same location and energy state in nearby universes and this is what keeps the moon predictable. Our universe from the perspective of our universe is not entirely random, nor does it appear entirely deterministic. This constant interaction of attractive energy from similar universes keeps our macro universe from flying apart from quantum randomness, and gives it a sort of flexible destiny.

(The Multi-verse - Not Deterministic, Not Random ) The multi-verse would be completely random distribution of energy, if it were not for that that its own field of all possibility also includes energies capable of attracting each other. Attractive energies create points of higher density in the field of possible universes. These attractive energies attract each other both locally, and in nearby universes forming matter that creates a temporary sense of predictability in what would otherwise be a sea of random possibility. When many similar universes are close to each other, their paths are intertwined as they attract each other into mutually similar futures. The density of causality in our part of the multi-verse creates a stronger interaction between each universe and its nearly identical universes. It is this almost self-interaction between virtually identical universes combined with attractive energy that is the source of relatively predictable high energy concentrations like matter.

(Causality behind Apparent Quantum Randomness) Particles in our universe are constantly passing near or through a particle in an almost identical universe, from which a weak interaction occurs. This like all interactions in the multi-verse happens in different concentrations across the field of infinity. From our perspective it appears as if an infinite number of possible ways and speeds a particle could suddenly move are happening every plank length of time, but at the same time, some of these infinite possibilities are more likely than others. The Gaussian probability distribution that exists when trying to predict quantum particle behavior exists because of the strength and variance of interference from nearly identical universes.

(Density of Causality Determines Plank Value) The frequency or concentration of similar universes in the multi-verse sets the distance of the plank length. It's the length of how far you must travel to reach an adjacent universe. As scientists already understand, one must change something in our universe by at least a plank size value before being in a different reality. Think of every single momentary snapshot of our universe as a single point in the multi-verse. It has an infinite number of directions to travel, but it will typically travel in a very particular one. What we consider a point in our past, a snapshot of our older universe, is just one point in the multi-verse, meaning we also travel through this multi-verse as one reality to the next is just another universe from the perspective of the multi-verse. Additionally, from the perspective of the multi-verse, these realities are linked together like a flow of energy due to the interactions of energy and matter both inside universes and between them. While our universe technically did explode into an infinite number of possible paths, a lower density of universes are ones that are rare, say one that contained the mona lisa 1 second after the big bang, has very limited number of ways causality can produce it. The density in this region of causality would be so low plank lengths might typically be trillions and trillions of times longer than our region of the multi-verse. High density of causality decreases the plank value and as a result increases particle interaction both internally and externally to each universe.

(Current subject of ponder: Does life create randomness or destiny?) It seems that consciousness interferes with the tendencies of the multi-verse, and may overpower "pull of mundane destiny" that comes from nearby universes. A single atom out of place in a strand of DNA can move the trillions and trillions of atoms in the universe. Move an atom in some dirt and nothing happens. Move an atom in a crystal and it might move back. Trillions of atoms drastically changing their energy state as the result of a quantum fluctuation? Only life can do this. I am not sure if the multi-verse calvinistically resists the massive effects of consciousness, or is helplessly distorted by them. Does that single atom of DNA have a strong tendency to end up in a place that will cause that life form act in accordance with what is typical in adjacent universes? Perhaps it is more like destiny based time travel movies in that it allows the out of place atom to happen but series of other loaded dice ensure the universe tends towards its original destiny? Does the power consciousness has to allow the uniqueness of our universe to eventually affect adjacent ones after humans change the state of matter? Or perhaps current human activity is so inconsequential compared to the overall course of the universe currently, that consciousness does not matter?


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