Mothers Day at Bunnings!
We celebrated Mothers Day twice.
At Bunnings (Hardware store) on Thursday and today we had a nice relaxing day with cakes and all the usual for a party!
At Bunnings there was a jumping castle and other rides for the children, there were presents for everyone, lollies, cakes and BBQ hot dogs and drinks.
There was face painting, massages, hena tattoos, mini doughnuts and the children were able to make mum a gift.
It was interesting and my mother and I both enjoyed ourselves, not as much as the children but we managed to have a good time.
Here are some of the photos so that you too can get a feel for the Mothers Day at Bunnings!
We celebrated it again today but not like on Thursday and you see in the photos why I am sharing our Mothers Day celebration from Bunnings.
I hope you liked the photos and the story behind the photos.
Thank you for reading.
Once upon a memory
Someone wiped away a tear
Held me close and loved me,
Thank you, Mother dear.
Beautiful song