Constellation on My Face - The Ominous Presence of an Old God Upon Me
I always like to cosplay a bit when I film videos for my gaming channel. Today, I started out doing some parodies where I wore my black medieval dress and then I added to my make-up some red "face paint". The design on my face is of the fictional constellation of Silentir, from the Dragon Age games lore, which represent the Old God Dumat, who was the first to whisper to Magisters from Tevinter and lure these mage humans to enter the Fade in the flesh and desecrate the home of the said one god, the Maker. These being were then cast down and were the first darkspawn.
So this design on my face bears deep lore significance to the game and represents not only one of the Old Gods, but the ensemble of Old Gods, the taint of the blights and the darkspawn.
I filmed videos in regards to these topics, the blight, the Old Gods, and I even did a tarot reading for the game in regards to the impact that the knowledge that lyrium, which is used for magic, is the blood of titans.
Needless to say, I had a lot of fun filming and putting the make-up also. I just HAD to take some selfies and share. I almost don't feel like taking my makeup off now. Well, I'll have to eventually. Might as well have some food first though, and change. I'm hungry now!
Cosplay seems like it could be fun. I always wondered how it would be going to Comicon.
I've actually never been to comicon lol But once I am able to handle such a crowd, I'd like to. There is one every year here, so I could just slap on some make-up, some elf ears and go simply as an elf or something not too complex. I'm sure it's fun.