Photo puzzle - Name the city [9.75 SBD reward pool] - PUZZLE SOLVED !

in #photopuzzle6 years ago (edited)

Puzzle solved!! After adding the 10th puzzle piece @nikollettesunday gave the correct answer! The photo was taken from the viewing platform of the Prudential Tower in Boston, Massachusetts ! Congrats, @nikollettesunday!

(The remainder of the prize pool will be transferred to the next photo puzzle increasing the pool size to 11.125 SBD!)


Hello Steemians!

It's Wednesday, 10 am CET and that can mean only one thing: it's Photo Puzzle time!

Today's prize pool amounts to a decent 9.75 SBD! So don't hesitate to join the fun, it might be worth it!

Before jumping into the game, please have a look at the updated(!) rule set below!

So let's get this started:

In which city have I taken this photo?


Game rules:
Place a comment and name the coordinates to which you want to see a puzzle piece added (e.g. 'A1'). As soon as I have updated the image I'll notify you with a reply stating 'updated'. After that you have 5 Minutes maximum to reply with your guess! If no guess is placed within this time frame I will skip the round and proceed with the next Steemian in the queue. So make sure to stay tuned during the course of the game.

Only the Steemian who has added a puzzle piece can place the subsequent guess. Puzzle pieces will be added in chronological order each time after the previous user has either placed a wrong or no guess.

First correct answer will be rewarded with 9.75 SBD minus 0.8125 SBD for each added puzzle piece. Thus, if the correct city hasn't been named before the prize money drops to zero (before the 12th round) the game will be stopped and solved by me. The prize money will then be added to the reward pool of the Photo Puzzle's next instance.

🖍NEW: If no request to add a puzzle piece is made for more than 15 minutes, I will add one at a randomly selected position. This will be commented with 'Game round elapsed. Puzzle piece added at position XX'. If you wish to place a guess afterwards, you still have to add another puzzle piece first!

Please note that each Steemian can guess only once! Therefore, the higher risk of guessing early in the game is potentially rewarded higher.

Have fun and happy guessing!


Photo recorded by myself with an iPhone 6S.
Puzzle grid licensed via my personal Adobe stock account.

If anything prevents you from making full use of your VP you can follow my curation trail on Steemauto.



Posted using Partiko Android


(you have 5 minutes to place your guess)

Ist das Zürich?

Posted using Partiko Android

Leider nein! Danke fürs Mitmachen und viel Glück beim nächstem Mal!

D4 pls

Dresden is not the correct answer! Thanks for participating and good luck for the next time!

I think this picture was taken in Boston City the capital of United States..

Ich bin zwar schon zu spät, aber der Turm war doch in einer US Serie ganz bekannt. mir fällt nur nicht mehr der Name von der Serie ein....


skipped (5 min time window expired).

Thanks for participating!

I afraid it won't work for me but I want B2 to be removed.

The puzzle was already solved a couple of hours ago. Thanks for joining in though!

The puzzle had just been solved. Thanks for participating!

Leider etwas zu spät, das Puzzle wurde gerade gelöst! Danke fürs Mitmachen!


(you have 5 minutes to place your guess)

👏 Boston is correct!!

Congratulations @nikollettesunday, 1.15 SBD (9.3 - 10*0.775) are on their way to your wallet!

EDIT: I have to correct a little mistake. Todays prize pool was in fact 9.75 not 9.3 SBD. Therefore your prize for winning the game is 1.625 SBD (9.75 - 10*0.8125) :)

Nice! Thank you very much :)

Hodně dobře ty! :) V Bostonu jsem byl, ale nevím, jestli bych to tak brzy poznal :D Já ještě tuhle hru od @shaka nikdy nevyhrál a ty hned na první pokus - život není fér :D :(

Já tam ani nebyla, ale jen jsem to uviděla tak bylo první co mně bliklo - Boston .) znám to jen z filmů :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Tak to byla opravdu parádní trefa ;) Jinak shaka tyhle soutěže dělá celkem pravidelně, tak můžeš "rozbít bank" i příště :D


(you have 5 minutes to place your guess)

skipped (5 min time window expired).

Thanks for participating!

Nächstes Mal dann! ;)


(you have 5 minutes to place your guess)

I give up.

No worries, thanks for participating in the game!

skipped (5 min time window expired).

Thanks for participating!

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