Plymouth 1936. Restauration
Old cars, new ...are my life.
Bringing old cars to life is wonderful experience. Very old cars such as Plymouth from 1936. is a challenge.
In Croatia it is very hard to buy such car and even harder to collect spare parts.
My friend and me mannaged to buy old Plymouth P2 deluxe 1936. in almost original shape. ... almost ...
So ... in original shape it is 3.1 liters engine, 6 cil. engine with approx. 82 horse powers.
Not nearly enough for our taste :)
Ply`s body and chassy was not so bad but we wanted it to be as new so we did some work on it...for last 7 years.
The plan was to dissasemble every part of this old car and assemble it with new or restored parts.
Also the plan was that the car is finished i 2 years (7 years ago).
After two years of hard work we realised that the plan was MISSION IMPOSSIBLE.
Every part of the car needed to be grinded, welded or replaced with hand made parts since it is impossible to buy parts for 1936. Plymouth in Croatia.
After a lot of preparations we mowed to painting with reactive protective paint...
...and assembling with some modifications.
If you look closer at the picture below you can see red can of high quality Croatian beer...
Cannot live without it ;)
Old Ply`s rear axle is replaced with new age axle from 1998. Pontiac Firebird.
Because of the difference in the width of the axles I had to adjust the width of the fenders.
Thrust me. It was easier and cheapper than buying different axle or wheels.
This kind of work is my hobby and I love it even sometimes sh*t happens.
Never mind ;) the result is not even close.
More welding, gringing and manuly producing parts for the PLY are yet to come.
But fenders and door steps are finished. Ply`s width is extended 16 cm and fenders are covering the wheels perfectly.
Must go to work tomorrow/today
...snip of the clock on my laptop...
I will continue this story so you can see the final product of Plymouth P2 deluxe 1936. that will never be finished.
Every day I have some new ideas for it.
Awesome work you are doing and i am looking forward to the next instalment.
Thanks ;)
I am not very active on steemit because of working on my NINJA and cars.... new posts are to come.

Jos da ja ovo sa swiftom dozivim... :P