Thought For The Day: "Off-Line / On-Life"

in #photography7 years ago

Here starts my daily series of 'Thought For The Day". A series looking at quality of life and happiness, along with the difficulties that we all face on a daily basis.

Today I want to talk about my continued struggle to really live in the present. Of particular note, I find it very hard not to spend many hours of the day on my computer (or iphone) planning something to do with the future, particularly trying to make money to increase my security.

Ultimately we never know how long we have left, today may be our last. We also don't know how long our loved ones have left, today may be the last chance we have to talk to them, to spend time with them.

So everyday I have an intention to look at the day and see how much time I have spent doing those things I wouldn't regret on my deathbed: spending time with loved ones, enjoying this beautiful planet we live on, smiling to people I don't know, sharing some kindness with an animal, enjoying the wonders of my body, my mind, the food I eat....enjoying being alive today.

Recently, I haven't been doing so well with this balance, being pulled into financial worries and ending up time doing far more work, trying to get more work, looking for investments on the stockmarket, watching cryptocurrencies go up and down. All of this causing stress and tension in my body and mind.

So join me in my aspiration to improve my offline / onlife balance from this day - today and to smile to life inside me and all around me ;-)

Here is a beautiful lake I swam in, last week in the south of france (Lake Cassien), I live in the UK and today it is raining which I will do my best to enjoy - but swimming in this lake was certainly the most alive I have felt in recent times, so refreshing and so connected to this beautiful planet!


To get a thought of the day every day just to help us all orientate towards life, gratitude, appreciation, fun and happiness, follow me and resteem my posts ;-)

Have a beautiful day!



Oh and can anyone tell me how to be able to use bold and underline in my posts, although it offers markdown on posts then the photo attachment option disappears - so i don't know how to use markdown and to attach photos? Help very much appreciated!

It's awesome @willstephens!! Nice clicks.

nice post 👍 👍

Really nicely taken... Good click dear

What a gorgeous place to live!

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