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RE: Crypto's are making my head hurt

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

We could do with a good thunderstorm here to clear the air. It's very still, hot and sticky!! 1/2pint has the chicken pox, so it's not ideal for him to be sleeping in this heat.

I guess some people around the world think we moan to much, but seriously we are used to having summer days making 20/22c for a few days and then going back to rain.... Well it's been 30c + for over 2 weeks now, my vegetable patch is looking a bit worse for ware at the moment.

I've given up at looking at the markets now, very similar to how I no longer watch the silver charts. It used to be the first thing I did every morning and then at hourly intervals..... Now I don't bother and I just think "long term greedy" and just buy as much silver as possible. I'm sure that cryptocurrency has a great future and as early adopters, we will look back at this stage of its evolution in 5/10/15yrs and laugh at how we used to micromanage ever fluctuation. Lol

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