The Beauty of Peak Geurute
Good luck, goodbye, friend, steemit, all of them may be all healthy. The enchantment of the Geurute Peak has its own charm for those who pass it around the top of the mountain Geurute. The peak of Mount Geurute is located on the Banda Aceh - Meulaboh crossing,
which is about two hours' drive from the city of Banda Aceh. Arriving at Puncak Geurute, you will see a coastline that is so long and without limits, and treated with views of two small uninhabited islands. On weekends and school holidays, along this road is a bit congested because many come from the city of Banda Aceh and its surroundings only to enjoy the coolness of Geurute Peak. the surrounding natural scenery is so beautiful to enjoy. hopefully steemit's friends like it.
jadi pingin liburan kesni ni
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Dengan segala hormat silakan berkunjung kepuncak geurute @ayufitri
kalau dari medan sampe berapa jam kesana kak
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Canteknyaa pemandangan gurute
Posted using Partiko Android
Iya tapi kecantikan yang tak ternilai @coretan.aksara