Mothra vs Tuck Fheman - [Original Photos] - What the Hell is this thing?! [5 SBD Reward]

in #photography9 years ago

OK so here's the story. I venture over to my neighbors to get my drank on and out of nowhere Mothra starts buzzing my head. My neighbor's like, "Do you know what that is?". And I'm like, "Mothra?". He insist that this is not a moth, but he cannot yet identify what this creature from another world is exactly.

I followed it around with my camera trying to get a shot of this deadly beast and have posted my evidence below. Clearly it is attempting to suck the life force out of everything it can get near, including my head. It acts much like a hummingbird; it appeared to be territorial trying to get me away from the plants it wanted to unleash it's death ray on and it flew just like a hummingbird, except this thing flies at the speed of light.

Death Ray!

You can see in some of the photos where it's death ray is emitted from; that curly pigtail thing on the front of it's head ... clearly this is a death ray mechanism. This otherwordly death God / Demon would swoop into a flower and immediately suck all of the life force out, leaving the flower gasping for energy.

Seriously, I heard the flower gasping for energy, but I was a 6 pack deep and there is a small chance it could have been myself panting from chasing this ungodly aberration around the yard trying to gather evidence for But most likely it was the plant gasping for energy, simply because I'm known for my fitness, as @joshua will attest I'm sure.

Someone Contact Mufon!

All pictures were taken by me on 8-20-16 using my Mufon approved Canon 100D + whatever lens I had on at the time using whatever that speed setting thing is with the guy that looks like he's running. I assumed that was the proper setting since I was having to run around after this UFO.

I admit, these are not the clearest pictures ever, but what do you expect when dealing with hyper-dimensional beings from another world, while dealing with an inebriation factor of 7.5 ... sheez.


So can anyone identify this thing? 5 SBD to anyone that properly identifies it. I get to decide who identified it properly, so be creative ... it may or may not outweigh being realistic. ;)

Right click and open in a new tab to zoom in on the UFO or click here for the full gallery and closeups.

Do you see the death ray!

We're all doooooomed! Just like North Korean teachers say.

Goodbye sweet plant! This will be your last day.

Oh and here's a hibiscus for anyone not interested in hyper-dimensional beings that suck the life force out of plants ... and probably human brains!


I will go ahead and inform everyone that after some research I have determined that @artist1989 correctly identified it as a ...

"Hummingbird Moth"

I originally thought they were giving a joke answer, but that's what the damn thing is called! :)

It's like when I told my wife that we needed another hummingbird bush but didn't know what the plant was called. I get to the garden center, find a plant that looks like the bush in our backyard, turn the tag over and it reads, "Hummingbird Bush". :)

I'm sending 5 SBD to you artist1989 for guessing correctly, but I'll still reward the best non-correct answer another 5 SBD, so keep guessing! :)

man, missed this one. theres even a TMBG song about them. That said, if youre in the US as ive assumed from other posts, this is most likely a 5-spotted hawk moth, not a hummingbird hawk moth. but theyre close cousins.

Hrmm, you know what. I think you are correct! Due to the abdomen markings and areas they are known to reside in, this is more likely to be a 5-Spotted Hawk Moth. However, the 5SHM is also called a "Hummingbird Moth" so artist1989 is still correct with their answer.

However, since you have more precisely identified the beast, you win as well! And since you more precisely identified it ... thereby making me appear smarter tomorrow when I give this information to my neighbor ... I'm sending you 6 SBD. :)


OK this contest is now over!

Unless you just want to continue making up names for shits & giggles. :)

lol wow thanks

Hmmm, predictable, yet on the spot. I like it, but there are more guesses to come! You are in the running so far.

@tuck-fheman, I think you better call homeland security. To the untrained eye, this may appear to be a "Hummingbird Moth". In actuality, it's a prototype miniature surveillance drone developed by North Korea. Note the sophisticated landing gear, and the side scan radar array on the back disguised as natural camoflage. Intelligence reports indicate that this drone is capable of producing energy by converting plant juices into fuel, and never needs to stop for refueling. These drones conduct surveillance for around 15 days before self destructing, usually on an electric lamp. Be warned!!!!

You receive the consolation prize of 2.50 SBD. Thanks for playing! :)

I knew it! Due to the in-depth reporting you have provided and the obvious factual information, you are now at the top of the list to receive the next 5 SBD payout. Can anyone top this???

Dude look at this one I found last summer!! They are so big and creepy!

I see the resemblance. It won't be long now. ;)

You have truly discovered the next big thing in porn, Tuck. The Japanese will be very interested :)

Clearly it's Mothra after going through a shrinkage ray. You've already defined it in your post, nothing more is needed.

Great photos. :)

popcorn pleaase, and not burnt

It's miniature "robot" made as moth or insect !!!

From the NSA? Hmmm, intriguing and likely. I'm usually up to no good on the interwebs. They're likely trying to keep an eye on me with this thing! :)

Hi! @tuck-fheman
This is, I Mothra definitely.
Are the same as those seen in Godzilla vs. Mothra :D

Lmao looks like a hummingbird to me! Or maybe some sort of magical unicorn moth? Unimoth? I think thats it ;)

That!!!! A unicornish special snowflake hummingbird moth, THAT

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