Thank you! Plus, animal lovers rejoice as there are some extras for you! TopKpop photography

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Hi all!

I know sometimes it is hard not seeing some of my posts daily, although who am I kidding? It hasn't been daily for quite a while. I do usually post quite a bit more but if any of you have been paying attention, you would know that I have had some stuff on my mind or keeping me a little more in the "real world" that I usually tend to be. It's a good thing to visit that real world more often from time to time.

Before we begin...

I wanted to thank those that have been super sweet. The ones, you all know who you are because you either commented or direct messaged me and let me know you were either thinking about me or just empathized with some stuff that has been going on in my mind as of late. I appreciate you all. Those very REAL people. I appreciate all the people I have come across that have such huge hearts and that truly are who they appear to be. I don't do fakeness. I can't hide that, it just isn't within me. I appreciate the ones that make me laugh, the ones that make me smile, the ones that don't make connections just to have an agenda. Thank you, to those that have done that for me. To those that have listened to me be sad. To those that haven't just "moved on" after declaring friendship when it wasn't even true.

To those that are indeed going through a hard time, I feel for you. I am here for you my friend(s) if you wish to talk or just want some silly memes or gifs to cheer you up. I can always find one of those, or make them if I feel so inclined. Please know, that you are not alone. No matter how alone you may feel. To anyone who wants to pull-back, I hear you. I tend to do that when I feel that those around me are being fake, or too negative, or are just trying to walk all over you. All it means, is I am re-evaluating my use for you as a friend, or the situation. I am pretty darn honest, plain and simple. You can read it on my blog here on Steemit, where I often share too much. I have shared my love of K-pop, my love of life and beauty in it, my love of friends, my hurt, my losses, the moments that go through my head, some of my insecurities, my worries, and of course my love. I may not always comment, for whatever reason, but I try to support the best way I can. I have been taking it slow a little lately and I am okay with that, we all have our ups and downs. So, I just had to say that I appreciate those, those ones above that I mentioned. I don't need to call you out because you know who you are, you know what's in your heart. Thank you for being awesome, for making me smile, for being a friend, and for just having the care in your heart.

Middle of the post P.S. thank you dearly for the sweet birthday wishes I received on Friday for my birthday. They all made me smile.

Now to the good stuff

I have been playing with my camera recently (it has become mine for the most part) and found this wonderful lens. For some reason, I tend to like up-close shots, I am not particularly sure why I guess I just like seeing things a bit more up-close as I feel we tend to miss those things sometimes. So, I happened to be shooting some photos with a new lens I came across that I hadn't tried yet but had been sitting on a shelf so that I could see what it was capable of. So, what did I take pictures of while I was trying it out? It was night-time so I was in my home. I took some shots of my pets. Now you get to enjoy them. If you are not an animal lover than I am sorry, but it is fun sharing some of the shots I am getting, and this time around it was a couple of my pets. I actually have 2 cats and a dog, but my one cute kitty decided to remain scarce for whatever reason.

Would you believe that she is over 13 years old?

She is the eldest of my 3 pets. I have had her literally since the moment she was born. Our first kitty was from the humane society in Canada and it just so happened she was pregnant, well, this was one of that cat's kitties. We, unfortunately, lost that cat which tore me up beyond belief, and to be honest I still carry guilt over that as I know I was supposed to protect her and keep her safe, and here she is not in my life anymore where she should be. That aside, this is one of her kittens. She adores me the best and has a closer bond with me than anyone else. I must say, I really like this picture. If you are wondering what the black part is, it is the lever for my desk chair as she was underneath my chair while I took this. I really like this picture because you can clearly see her wonderful deep-cavernous like eyes. The texture of them is just very captivating to me. Meet Mittens.


Taken with a Sony a6000 & Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2,8/90 lens Original Size

My handsome, but hates having pictures taken of him, Aussie

Last week you got introduced to this cute guy. I never understand why he does not enjoy having photographs taken, but he just doesn't. Does that stop me? No, never. This time around while I was using this lens he was actually in-between sleeping and not sleeping. He always has the most interesting expressions. Of course, he seemed curious to know what I was doing, but not enough to actually get up, just enough to try and look at me from that weird angle. This guy, believe it or not, although I am sure you can see it in his eyes that are slowly losing sight as they have been getting a bit cloudly for a while, that he is a senior now. We got him the year we got married (2006) so that makes him...almost 12. I adore him and he is a fantastic dog and family member. He is such a good guy. He is protective and sweet, funny, and playful. He has so much energy in him for an almost 12-year-old dog.


Taken with a Sony a6000 & Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2,8/90 lens Original Size


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Thanks for checking out my post and for being the awesome person you are!





I have been keeping an eye out for a new post, and then you sneaked it in while I was napping - well rather accidentally posting a half done post and then trying to make it sort of work and falling asleep while doing it....oh the trials of Steemit.

I know of course you have had troubles of late, I have my sources for information 🤗 keeping me in touch but of course I never like to trouble busy people, I know they find me if they need me. You are of course much loved, we share the same appreciation of the "Real" people of Steemit that make this platform such a wonderful and engaging place to visit.

The close up photo's are superb, that is one great lens you cat looks so young for 13 years - and yes her eye's are amazing - the detail from the photo shows that two deep pools to fall into.

Aussie's expression is truly priceless though - it's totally "Seriously, what on earth are you doing now?"

A lovely update, and I do look forward to enjoying even more soon 😊


There was a time where you were not awake? Wow..and look at that I actually snuck one in. Yes, I admit I have been a few more days than usual in between posts. Thank you for being sweet and caring and checking in even secretly so with the wonderful person I know who keeps you updated. Haha oh the Aussie, he seems to be such a popular topic this time because of that look. He really has no way of hiding his true feelings for getting pictures taken although he is so handsome. I may have to sign him up for some pooch acting lessons.

You will indeed see some more updates that is for sure. Thank you for stopping by and even sending a nice little upvote my way, it was very very sweet.

Ooo .. So sweet of you that you care about others and help them, people like you are so rare these days indeed.
Your heart seems to be full of positive vibes and so I respect you a lot🙂🙂🙂

Good clicks

Such a sweet comment, thank you for that. It truly made me smile.

Nice pics my dear and I certainly do understand about life taking over. I have been really busy with family lately and no time to be here either. balance in life is critical though so do what you can when you can. Thanks for the great post.

Fully agree with the balance being a critical part, it is very easy to go one way or the other. Adore that you see it the same way and it is great you have been spending time with family. Thanks for checking out my post :)

This is such a wonderful post and so much heart in it, I know your struggle and that it's been a hard time for you.
So true about "Real" and "Fake" people and like you I've also had my share of people draining me with using you or just disappoint you by not being who you thought they were.
Sad and hurtful but no more energy is worth to waste on them.
True friends are a treasure and it's nothing I wouldn't do for them 🤗 has my whole heart.
I love you dearly and you know how much I appreciate you ❤️ 👭
And about your photagraphy.... I love the picture of your beautiful cat and that is such a beautiful close up. And you can not tell that's she's that old... Love her eyes.
And your dog is the sweetest and the look... What are you think your doing? Not appreciating this.... 😂 Lol or something.
Love it all 🌼🌹🌼

I do indeed know how much you appreciate being my friend, and hope you always know how much you are appreciated to me. It is amazing how old she does not look, although she also doesn't look fat here but she in indeed. She is a sweet soul though. Haha omg everyone is saying that about my doggie! I told everyone, he doesn't like pictures, and this is total proof of his thoughts of them lol. Love ya darling!


Awe! They are so adorable! 😍😍

Thank you! I really adore them. They all have such personalities.

Aw, such sweet pics! I love that you've had Mittens from birth. That's an amazing story! And don't feel guilty over her mama's loss, my friend. We can only ever do our best with them. I've lost a few as well, and maybe if I'd done something different it would've gone down another way, but it is what it is.

And life. Yes. I hear you. And love you. Big hugs. You know where to find me if you ever need to talk. 💖

I do love that I have had Mittens since birth, she was the runt and you wouldn't know it. I got to see her be born which was pretty cool. Thanks for the comment.

Aw, I love the fur baby photos. 💕🐶 🐱

And happy belated birthday! 🎂

I had planned to pop this into the “Taurus Channel” but I too have been kind of low activity in the discords and steemit of late, so shall leave this for you here instead. ☺️
May 11 horoscope

Oooh! I absolutely love that horoscope, the beginning part pretty much describes me to a tee. Thanks for leaving that here for me to take a look at, I love reading that type of stuff. :)

Kitties are such amazing creatures to me. My father suffered from Alzheimer's and the one thing that gave him great comfort was the purring of my kitty. It soothe him in ways that medication could not. For that alone, she will always be a special little hero.

I'm always sorry to hear when life goes in a Direction that is not in the plan and I hope that things are making their way into calmer Waters. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

And just know that I'm always here and probably up wandering around the house somewhere at 3 a.m.

Awwwww. That is so adorably sweet that your kitty helped him. Thank you for your thoughts. My life itself is going fairly well even though I have my own little history of things but when family you love is hurting, sometimes you hurt in return. Thank you for your kind words. Lots of hugs.

Adorable pictures @topkpop. And I hear you about pulling back. Nothing wrong with that and everyone should do it once and awhile.

I know I really don't know you very well personally but just being in a group/family like the Alliance I feel a 'kindredness' to you among many others here.

Thanks for the post

P.S. The last pic of your dog is classic like he's saying "wtf are you doing " lol

Thank you for both the nice comment and the compliment on the pictures! :) Totally get the kindredness feeling :) I know right?! It does kind of look like that's what he's thinking haha.

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