Smoky and the Blanket


When Al Gore invented the internet in 1972 [1] the main purpose was so that he could exchange photos of rusty tractors.

Unfortunately nobody else was interested.

It was only 20 years later when he tried sending some cat photos that the world started paying attention and hence the modern internet was created.

I thought for a change I would honour the true purpose of the internet by posting some photos of my cats Smoky and Snowy.

Smoky and the Blanket

There is a thick sheepskin blanket that Snowy likes to sleep on.

She also has smaller brown blanket that she likes to hug or curl up next to when she is sleeping. As cats are apt to do Snowy had become bored with the blankets and had taken to sleeping on my desk (particularly when I was working) or on my bed.

I thought I would use the opportunity to give both blankets a well needed wash because if you have cats you'll know that things get covered in cat hair quite fast.

When I went to get it I noticed that Smoky was sleeping on it - this is a new thing since Smoky tends to like sleeping in boxes (particularly small Amazon boxes don't ask me why).

You can tell he was quite happy because he was sleeping with his tongue hanging out!

This presented a problem for Snowy who tried everything she could to get him to leave the blanket.

An epic battle of wits went on for some time.....

She started playing with boxes on the floor, brought in multiple toys to try to coax him down, including a toy mouse but it was all to no avail.

Smoky wasn't budging and I wasn't going to get a chance to clean the blanket! Thus was lost the "Battle of the Blanket".

Eventually Snowy Gave Up and Looked For New Lands to Conquer

Snowy knew she was defeated so looked for new lands where she might find new allies in her fight to regain the blanket.

That was until she spotted a ball of foil on the carpet from the stairs and a new adventure began......


  1. Gore, Al. 1972. “The Tractornet : A New Invention For Sharing Rusty Tractor Photos.” Journal of Bullshit Memes 5 (2): 213–15.
  2. Gore, Al. 1992. “A Novel Use of the Tractornet : Cat Photography” Journal of Bullshit Memes 245 (1): 111–16.

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Too many very similar pictures. My computer almost choked.

That's not a reason to flag. It's not my fault you have an inadequate computer and further nobody is forcing you to look if you don't like the content.

The reason is disagreement on reward, not the $ amount but the pool relative amount.

That is not a reason for a flag. You ruined my post. Karma is a bitch though. It will likely come back to bite you. If you behave like a dick people will notice.

I don't think you understand how Steem work.
You're not entitled to any reward.

It is you who don't understand how Steem works. You stole a chunk of my reward.

I have been here since almost the beginning so don't lecture me about it.

Your nonsensical comment says it all and the most ironic thing is that your own posts are of terrible quality.

Don't try to justify being a dick by pretending to be clever.

(reply to your other post)
I think you've been misled into thinking I needed to explain myself for downvoting content.
I didn't steal anything.

Say what you like. You flagged a legitimate post for a bullshit reason. I put a lot of time and effort in my posts and you think $25 us too much?

No matter how you dress it up it is a dick move.

You have made your character clear. Not only that but this kind of behaviour is what will scare people away from investing in Steemit.

25$ ? As I said earlier the reason is disagreement on reward, NOT THE $ va;ue but the pool relative amount !

You are not making any sense. Relative to what? I had hundreds of votes your negative vote was the second highest in magnitude. That affected the dollar value whether it was your intention or not.

It is quite clear that you do not understand how this works.

Also your initial post said something about too many photos. You can't even stick to one story.

Just remember when you do this kind of stuff you are killing your own reputation not to mention the value of your own investment.

I have heard a lot of people complaining about you and that is thing about a social platform.

Reputation matters. Currently you have a very bad one.

"You are not making any sense. Relative to what? I had hundreds of votes your negative vote was the second highest in magnitude. That affected the dollar value whether it was your intention or not.

It is quite clear that you do not understand how this works.

Also your initial post said something about too many photos. You can't even stick to one story.

Just remember when you do this kind of stuff you are killing your own reputation not to mention the value of your own investment.

I have heard a lot of people complaining about you and that is thing about a social platform.

Reputation matters. Currently you have a very bad one"

The reward that you didn't get was redistributed to everyone else. Relative mean that if for example steem get to 10$ per steem maybe a post like yours will manage to earn more than 30$

I know exactly how it works. Let's draw a line under it. I don't like falling out with people. The original reason the downvote was changed to a flag was because of this sort of thing. People will always take offence in these situations it is human nature and you should know that.

Very nice cats. This post deserve to use the cats tag but I guess you ran out of tag. funny tag definitely must have.

Nice! This is what I was saying I miss on's all politics now. This is so refreshing!

Lol glad you like it:) I go through phases where I can't deal with politics at all. Spending time with the cats really teaches you to live in the moment.

I'm so there! I reactivated my Twitter acct. So far all I've got is hockey and you! I spend time with my dog. He used to have a kitten.

I love dogs too! You should post some photos.

Such cute kitties! I especially love the pics with the one's tongue sticking out!

As the old saying goes, Dog's have owners, Cat's have staff. I can absolutely relate!


But try having a dog that like to hang around when you're shoveling dirt - and who literally lies down on the job!

Oh my god! The cutest little things! So sweet! Snowy reminds me of my little cat. I just love cats and you've got such adorable ones! :)

What a great little post! Thanks for sharing! :)

Do you mind me asking how old are your cats? I love Smokey with the little pink tongue out, lol. :)

@thecryptofiend hahaha
I loled at

I lost the battle of blanket

then he sticks his tongue out to you hahaha

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