Getting out of my comfort zone street shots
I have seen people posting great street shots on here and it has inspired me to try
Now these shots may well be the best>quote but at least it's a start
I saw this guy sitting in a park just Around the block from my office he was enjoying a nice sunny day while looking at a paper I think
And when I saw a lady taking photos down 42nd street I just had to get a shot
Not the greatest of shots technically I know but I am glad I at least got a couple of shots of people that is really out of my comfort zone
@tattoodjay well done for getting out of your comfort zone. I know street photography can be hard to do. I think you made a good start! Keep it up and you will go far :)
Thanks for the nice comment I will try to do some more this week, I guess with time I will get more comfortable with this style
That's exactly what street photography is about, getting out there. Good luck
thanks again I will do my best to get more :)
No problem. If you ever have any photographs questions let me know, always happy to help
thanks appreciated
Good for you. I try to do the opposite, getting people out of my shots so it's just landscape. You may force me to revisit my approach and try some street photography as well!
I am exactly the same will wait as needed to get shots without people but some shots I saw on here inspired me to try some
Glad you did!
Great report @tattoodjay greetings Resteemed
Great portraits!
Thanks :)
Oh, I forget, you have my upvote for this!
Appreciated :)
Great start! Street photography can be tricky, but by the look of those two you are on good path!
Thanks KIndly, I just feel awkward taking photos of people I guess I have to work through that
Some unusual shots ..keep them coming!
Thanks I will do
Very nice! Great captures!
Thanks Kindly :)
I suspect the lady photographer became a photograph! Great post Sir JJ.
Thank you kindly Sir, happy Sunday
Street photography is a fun challenge. One trick is to not look like you are taking a picture. Henri Cartier-Bresson used a 35mm rangefinder camera. He set the focus at infinity and set the aperture and shutter speed so he would be in focus and sharp. He would shoot with out looking through the viewfinder. Just holding the camera at chest height with a very quiet shutter. With today's digital camera, you can do the same but set the camera on continuous so you have a better chance of catching the decisive moment.
Thanks that's some good advise I will have to try that