Early morning in Times Square
Took this shot about 7AM in Times Square
Being a Country boy at heart I really don't like going to places with bug crowds it just gets to me so I head to places like Times Square early morning while there's not to many people
In fact most of my NYC shits are early morning I catch the 4:50 AM train often to head into work get to the city about 1/4 to 7 and probably once or twice a week head somewhere for photos
The days I do get to go for a photo walk before work always seem better days for me, I think it just puts me in a good frame of mine
Sorry haven't been keeping up with everyone's posts today have for the most part of the day getting a bandwidth maximum reached error
Cheers and have a good week ahead
SO we have the same souls. Running away on the meadow full of flowers, butterflies and chirping bird. Yes, my friend I understand you. Nice post. Up!
Thanks :)
You are so welcome. I had the possibility took some shots in a quite Chicago. Amazing peace and hard to believe it ;)))
Lovely. Love those pics.
Elrond Huston Aka ehuston
Shouldve shown the actual square being empty :)
Oops very good point I posted this from my phone and picked the wrong photo
You are obviosly a morning person JJ. But me being a late night person (I call my self a C person) sometimes wake untill 5 or 6 in the morning so sometimes I go out taking photos before I go to sleep. Then the sun is coming up. And sometimes me and Bragi h can drink the morning coffie together when he is getting up and I am going to bed ;) Probably nice on yor photo stroll in Manhattan before traffic :)
Ohh yes always have been since a young age a sleep in for me is to not get up till 6Am :)
I love seeing cityscape and I'm the opposite of you, a city boy.
Thats the funny thing I do love all the cool buildings and things to see in the city i just like seeing it when there arent many people around
what's the hour of less people around?
Well I find before 8am fairly quiet after that it starts building up
That's pretty late, isn't it.
A little but now with my commute the earliest I can get to the city is about 6:45 so I normally get shots till 8us
Beautiful photo and beautiful city
Thanks :)
Photo walks before work are my JAM. This one's a bit busy, but I'm glad you got the chance to stop and take some photos! Keep it up dude
I messed up with this post I did it on my phone and uploaded the wrong photo and then the bandwidth issue meant I couldn't amend my write up till now and its to late since a few have seen it
No worries, the point is you got out and took some photos! That's worth sharing :)
I'm realizing that I missing NY by seeing you photos!
There is always something so surreal very early in the morning when most people are asleep. There is a sense of peace before all the chaos begins for a new day. I don't blame you. Living in a busy city can actually be too much of an overload for most people who like a slower pace and more peaceful moments. I hope your week will begin with a quiet moment! ...... Cabbagepatch
Thanks, I am lucky I live well out of the city in a nice quiet city with beautiful beaches and parks , I lived in the city when I first came here but eventually had to move out to somewhere quieter :)
Nice shot! Hope to see it live some day. :)
Thanks and seeing it for so long was a dream for me also