video and gallery beauty of the naturals brown bug from indonesia forest (Bilingual)
Jangan ke mana-mana, terus nikmati, binatang unik dan langka, yang saya tunjukkan di posting blog saya @sultan-aceh
do not go anywhere, continue to enjoy, animals unique and rare , which I show in my blog post @sultan-aceh
Anda bisa melihatnya di video yang saya tunjukkan di atas, semoga terhibur.
You can see it in the video I showed above, hopefully entertained.
Lihatlah galeri foto yang saya tunjukkan di bawah ini :
Take a look at the photo gallery I show below :
Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )
Gambar 2 ( Figure 2 )
Gambar 3 ( Figure 3 )
semoga apa yang anda lihat di video ini, bisa bermanfaat bagi semua steemian, agar kita bersama-sama membangun tumbuh di komunitas Steemit.
hopefully what you see in this video, can be beneficial for all steemian, that we must together build a grow in a community Steemit.
Terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan melihat fotografi dan video di blog saya
Thank you for visiting and looking photography and video on my blog
@sultan-aceh, siapa pun yang memberikan komentar bagus dan panjang,
menurut gambar posting, untuk mencegah terjadinya SPAM Komentar di STEEMIT
Anda akan mendapatkan upvote bagus dari saya.
@sultan-aceh, anyone who gives good comment and long
according to picture posting, to prevent the occurrence of SPAM Comments in STEEMIT
you will get a nice upvote from me.
salam @sultan-aceh
regards @sultan-aceh
• Camera Photo Handphone Samsung J3 - 2016
• Camera Video Handphone Samsung J3 - 2016
• Location Indonesia forest - aceh
• Videographer @sultan-aceh
• Photographer @sultan-aceh.
Nice shot's @sultan-aceh like the photos quality... Great works...
you come @davidad
thank Re-steemed @davidad
I'm following #xpilarcontest
The corresponding answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no.1 (figure 1)
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, i have resteemed, upvote post him and @xpilar
Hi @syamsud
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 9"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
HELLO I AM FOLLOWING @xpilarcontest THE IMAGE IS Gambar 3 (Figure 3)
Hi @gabyjc
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 9"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 3
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hi @sultan-aceh good afternoon.. This afternoon I participated in the #xpilarcontest "bit of image 9" created @xpilar with @sultan-aceh. I've done resteem, upvote and leave comments on post @xpilar . I give answer on number 1 (figure 1)
Hi @iebalgamge
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 9"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Halo @sultan-aceh sayang akan mengikuti #xpilatkontes di blok iNi.
Dan saya akan melakukan resteemd dan up vote post kontos yang ke 9 baik di @sultan-aceh dan @x pilar
Dari pengamatnan gambar dan vidio maka jawaban saya adalah gambar 3. Ini lah yang saya dapat jawaban nya no 3.
Hi @adnan-mp
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 9"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 3
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Haloo @sultan-aceh saya ingin mengikuti #xpilar kontes yang ada di posf anda setelah saya pelajari dan saya telah, aturan untuk melakukan resstemd dan upvote maka saya telah melakukannya, jawaban dari @kontesxpilar jawaban @boile menjawab gambar no 1.
Terima kasih atas kerja sama dan gagasan nya.
Hi @boile
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 9"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
saya @alfan13 ingin mengikuti @xpilarkontes setelah saya kunjungi post @sultan-aceh maka saya akan mengikuti aturan #kontes dan telah meninggalkan jawaban di post dan melakukan resteem di setiap post dan upvote maka jawanan @adnan-mp adalah gambar no 1

terima kasih atas kesempatan untuk mengikuti kontes @xpilar. kontes yang sempurna.
Hi @alfan13
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 9"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
After reading the post from @xpilar and @sultan-aceh, I will participate in the contest #xpilarcontest. I think the most correct answer is the Gambar 3 ( Figure 3 ).
I have upvote and resteem and commented on post @xpilar and @sultan-aceh , thanks.
Hi @iqbalrampago
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 9"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 3
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Selamat! Tulisan anda masuk peringkat 7 kategori Tulisan Dengan Komentar Terbanyak, di 10 Besar Tulisan Hari Ini di .. 8)
thanks. my answer:picture no:1 everyone good luck. ı am following #xplarcontest @sultan-aceh with @xpilar good contest
Hi @banum
welcome to New #xpilarcontest "bit of image 9"
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 1
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh