Animal series on my photography

in #photography6 years ago

Animal series on my photography




Hello all sahabata steemit how are you guys still in the spirit of making the best post.

Well my theme today about this beast is almost similar to the bees, maybe for friends all can see in some of my drawings are quite clear, actually this animal I do not know his name and I find this star in the forest I also really like small animals that Beautiful like this then I directly take photos about this animal as much as I can.

Being a photography is also not easy I also still struggling to take a good photo, maybe in my post before her there is also my photos are less Good as dragonflies, dragonflies it because very fast he made a flight hehehe!

But I will always struggle to take photography as gentle as possible because my brother @lightsplasher he really likes good photography and original own photos.

Hello semua sahabata steemit bagaimana kabar kalian masih semangat dalam membuat postingan terbaik.

Baiklah tema saya hari ini mengenai binatang ini yang hampir mirip dengan lebah, mungkin buat sahabat semua dapat melihat di beberapa gambar saya yang cukup jelas, sebenarnya binatang ini saya tidak tau nama nya dan saya menemukan bintang ini di hutan saya juga sangat suka binatang kecil yang Indah seperti ini kemudian saya lansung mengambil foto tentang binatang ini semampu saya.

Menjadi photography juga bukanlah yang mudah saya juga masih berjuang mengambil foto yang Bagus, mungkin di post saya sebelum nya ada juga foto saya yang kurang Bagus seperti capung, capung itu karena sangat cepat dia melakukan penerbangan hehehe!

Tapi saya akan selalu berjuang untuk mengambil photography yang sabagus mungkin karena saudara saya @lightsplasher dia sangat menyukai photography yang Bagus dan asli foto sendiri.

      This photo is taken by smartphone camera in addition with lensamacro

Very nice, you got the bug in sharp focus on these and I like how they turned out. :)

I think I can not take this animal on the sharp focus because it is very fast moving, thanks brother, I always use the latest about you is a fun thing for me

I think the photos are just right how they are. Nice job! The animal (bug) is in focus and the background blur makes it stand out well.

Thank you my brother will do it well maybe the results will also be more Beautiful, I also love to always enjoy photography brother

sukses bro,tetap semangat

Hehehe trmksih bro

Wonderful capture!

Thanks bro hehehhe

Kop bereh ka lagoe droeneuh bang, u be raya ka level🤣🤣🤣🤣

Diupvote yah.. (Sekelumit kontribusi kami sebagai witness untuk komunitas Steemit berbahasa Indonesia.)

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