Sketching of My Twitter's Friend
I was once like a comment of a girl on Twitter and after some conversation, we became mutual friends on Twitter. I followed her and she gave me a follow back. After a brief introduction, she told me that she is doing a sketching course but not too much expert in sketching. I was really happy to know about her. I requested her to make a sketch of my picture. She agreed and i sent her my photo. Here was a photo that I sent.
After two days, I contacted and she said that it is under process. She sent me an initial sketch:
Now after that, I decided to give her time so that she could make a proper sketch. So after 5 days, I received a modified sketch in the DM of Twitter
She said that now I am doing the last sketch and she was very excited. I received my last sketch on the 15th of March and that was like this.
When I showed this to my friends then they made fun but I became emotional as she made this for me with very interest. Also, she is in the initial stage and I hope she will make progress. I praised her for this sketch and also looking for your comments so that I will be able to show her your comments and she will get more confidence.