Yosemite National Park is something awesome - Yosemite National Park ist etwas wunderbares

in #photography7 years ago

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.

While visiting Yosemite I came across those beautiful views and hope that you like it. I've only been there for three days while waiting for my other plane, but those photos that I made are still really awesome.

Jeder braucht schönheit genau so wie Brot, Orte zum spielen und zum entspannen, wo die Natur dich heilen und dir Kraft für Seele und Körper gibt.

Während Ich Yosemite National Park besucht habe hatte Ich eine so schöne Aussicht und musste davon einfach Bilder machen. Ich war in Yosemite nur für ein paar Tage, während Ich auf meinen Flug gewartet habe, aber die Bilder die Ich dort gemacht habe sind trotzdem unglaublich.

Hetch Hetchy

The Three Brothers

Near the swinging bridge

The meadows were flooded which offered some great reflections

As the sun hit the meadows the fog looked incredible


Beautiful shots! The location is amazing! Hope I will get to see it also. Followed! Check out my travel photos also, hope you enjoy them!

Great photos :D

Epic shots! What a wonderful series!

Beautiful shots! Yosemite is a great place. Thanks for bringing back good memories

Like paintings... resteemed ;)

Stunning shots, I hope to visit the parks someday :D

Outstanding images!

This is a place I woud love to visit in real life, but your photos are the next best thing.

Difficult to choose a best shot from this selection, but I tip my hat to the night shot - serious skills involved with that capture!

These pics are absolutely breathtaking!!
The National park itself is awesome! I went there couple of years ago in summer.
The falls were all dried up!
It's always nice to see the pics of the Waterfalls!
Is that Bridal Veil ?

Absolutely amazing shots. The night sky is awe inspiring !!

Truly amazing, I really need to make it out there. The shot with the stars is especially impressive. Great shots! Followed you, friend, all your work looks pretty great.