Flower Photoshare 27/9/2024steemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography17 hours ago

Photography or a single image I feel often captures those treasured moments in ones life, there is nothing quite like looking back and reflecting good or bad. But I also find that just like the act of writing our collective pictures can also be a art-form. The beauty and meaning of a photo can be expressed and shared in many ways including not even using a single word but instead just seeing what it makes you feel.

While I do enjoy photography I used to share those "everyday" type images that captures just those typical day to day activities, the feedback was mostly positive and so I continued sharing these "Ulog type" photos on Steemit.

Almost every picture as a story to tell right? Or at least that is what I was often been told by some of my followers when I first started sharing photos on here, and I would have to agree with them.

Today 27/9/2024 I share this capture.

Flower Photography Purple Unk Flower Left SideHill May 28 2017.jpg

Images By: @simonjay

Like I expected there was some difficulty on getting out posts lately, this is while I travel to visit my father. If your wondering why there may not be a post on a particular day, or why the posts may go out at unusual times it's because I'm travelling at the moment. Having a stable internet connection or "the environmental means" to put out a post is just not always possible. But I can now confirm that we will be soon resuming our hunt for more Steem, this is to stress it for a higher value token which as been happening lately but Steem should be higher by now. The road trip with my father as now been over for a few days and I was suppose to be relaxing in the final days before my return home. However that was not the case as my father always makes more plans and so forcing us to rush around here and there. But today there definitely won't be much relaxing because I will be travelling back home. I had to get up rather early to make my way to the airport, which was not easy due to my lack of sleep lately. My father said there would be no traffic in the morning so it will be easy to get there, of course he was wrong and there was infact a lot of traffic but luckily I still had good time on my side and the traffic while a lot was still moving at a good pace. When I got past security I still had time to look at some of the shops there and get on a long queue to a buy a gift for my friends birthday coming up next month. It's also the month I dread as usually there's a lot of things happening in October which is strange as I would expect the warmer months to be more active. The plane both going and returning were a lot faster than usual because I had finally prepared myself better entrainment. Soon as I landed I noticed the difference in weather with it being colder of course. To get home now I have to catch two trains "argh" and usually after a coach, but I decided I was going to a different station to which I can walk from. It's still a bit of a way especially when your already tired but my hope was the fresh air would be a good was to start relaxing. I was glad to get home I was hungry, after some food I started doing what I needed to begin getting back into routine and in preparation for a much needed long rest. Hope you have a good day or night and I will see you on the next Steemit post.

Today's Picture

As for the picture today I share some flower photography, a quick disclaimer I understand that this type of photography on Steemit has a bit of a bad reputation. This is because it was often used by spammers to make like 8 posts each day.
Hopefully as you can see from my blog I'm nowhere near making 8 or more posts per day on the topic of flower imagery.

This was captured on a day after I had just finished work, also I had already been home got changed and left again to meet with a friend at my closest green spot. There are some small hills in the area and this was near the top somewhere, it's here where these flowers were growing and from the looks of things they are growing by a lot getting so tall. As you can see by the photo they continue to get taller further down to a point they look like they are climbing a wall due to the hill elevation. Which on another post we will likely take a closer look at those ones too. I'm not sure if these particular flowers are just shaped like this or if they are still little baby buds that open up at some point. If that's the case I believe I don't have any photo of them open, all the ones I have seen all look the same. Normally you would be able to at least find some at the different stage, either growing, closed or opening. But these were the only ones I saw all at the same stage even further down the taller ones all still looked the same. This was of course captured still during lots of daylight and so if they do open I think I should of been able to capture some, perhaps they only open at night to let their scent fill the air, I doubt it was still too low of a temperature for them as it was a warm day.

I think it's obvious I don't know what this flower is called. But with this comes a opportunity for you, if you know anything about flowers, and if you recognise this flower and know it's name let me know in the comments section below and possibly win 🏆 a upvote from me.

Other Captures

Flower Photography Knock-out Roses Red Quad Flower
Flower Photography Knock-out Roses Red Quad Flower May 28 2017.jpg

Flower Photography Single Pink Ballerina Heesterrozen Unfocused
Flower Photography Single Pink Ballerina Heesterrozen  Unfocused May 28 2017.jpg

Flower Photography, Wall Roses Red FaceAway
Flower Photography, Wall Roses Red FaceAway, May 21 2017.jpg



Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

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New Orca Arrival-giphy.gif

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Also since votes don't always = $ and if you want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me, not only me but also support the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down a single time in 6 whole years.

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


Hi @simonjay,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using steem-fanbase.com.

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