Love poems, want you...Gift from My love added

in #photography7 years ago

translation link of bangla

Since every poem and dislikes is too small. Abriti is a part of love. University in roommater for a PC lover, I found this poem. Poem love so emotional that day it apply any examples are there discovered. Fall in love after a long abriti not to be overtaken suddenly almost got the chance at one time. Goodbye and colour in abriti, one of many willing hands and feet bore the son for whom he had to many damage
The poem, I do not know how much joy you gave, but I got much joy of srota. Still good to hear a poem on time today. Wills was the opportunity to upload audio files of poetry not only gave up poetry writing, I don't know.

Nice to anyone and do not forget the favorite.


Today, the two did not meet with you what I know you're busy.

Indeed, the evening anchadawni hair?
Do you know?
Late in the afternoon to eat rice!

Said to you?
Did you take a shower in the afternoon talking with mother!

The whole face was brother?

You have seen on the Street outside the House keeping your glasses?
Riksabhara have two more money

And goodness is said?

Constant calls to have phone CY karlena?
At night, ya big wrote a letter.

This is to said to's this March?

Hey petni I have this day.

My mind is akupaku

Mine is pakurku.

If you think my heart beat increases my bithart.

It takes my restless without you

My fotcht.

One can cry without kanpay my nose.

It again?
Your head!

Yesterday was a great pain in the eyes

I have seen all day.

There was pain in my chest and head it did not.

Then why were neck pain?
I did not talk with that.

So much hair was why?
It did not sleep in it.

But there was no pain in moneto

There I was sitting.

That look is a common myna

So what?
Home to eat rubbish my mind mean a MA Hu common myna

So what?

That's your two common myna.
We both?
And three common myna.
That's three really you.

And four?
One two three four you is our yay pazi bitch!

Saline mean?
Yes diarrhoea eats

Makes what you know?
A pinch of salt, jaggery.

Love, you know?
If you love it.

What makes it?
In this case, and in a pinch, a love letter, a litre.

But alas, they said.
Your grandmother.

Exaggerated laugh 6.

Listen I've read, I'm in love with.

All people on Earth to know I fell in love, I love you.

I'm in love with a man whom he recognized there that day, and how strange and now most dear to me.

I loved my mother the people closest to this day loved how became the second loved list.

All people on Earth to know I fell in love with the world's purest, the creator of work now.

Now I know what to think

Now I know,

Now I'm playing now I know to know I was up all night awake in the night I know up to know, now I know what to write

Now I know what to write,

I know all I know.

Now I know smile

I know, I know to wait to sit down in the Park

I know I know to wait.

I know I know to eat a kiss

I only know lied.

The world's youngest son is to know, my man know I fell in love.

The most beautiful thing is now I am.

Now we'll sit with the head strong sunlight Lake'm spinning, Dhaka city each turn to go

Airport guards obsessed go, talking in the eye

Come to think of gunchi a day, even.

The sarbajyestha of the world to know that we know love Tokai.

Listen, I love a lot of the poem No. 6, my dear. Good luck to all lover lover.

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