Sabresaurus attacks - Shaka´s miniature scene #5 [Original work]
This weeks miniature scene comes with a little fun challenge for you:
Which city is being plagued by this primeval mutant?
The first person giving the correct answer in the comments will be rewarded with 5 SBD or, in case it´s higher, with 10% of the first SBD payout of this post.
Update: The correct answer has already been given. Congratulations to @ines-f for winning this little challenge :-)
wow shaka! This is just awesome.
where did you learn this stuff? so great to learn about this
Thanks for this encouraging feedback!
Actually, I started this kind of scenic photography with my first post from this series on Steemit. I was brainstorming how I can provide value to this amazing platform. So I thought to use my general photography skills and to combine it with my imaginative strength and this is what came out of it :-)
very nice. i think you found a very nice niche. and you are one of the very few guys, who are being followed by bernie sanders ;)
isnt this the trinity church in New York?
no, it´s not New York :-) Thanks for participating in this challenge.
Great stuff! Now for my usual dose of pedantry - there's a lighting mismatch between the miniatures and the background. Perhaps you can cool off the foreground?
Thanks for your feedback. The reason for the mismatch are the different light temperatures of the lights that I´m using. What I have available is far away from being a professional equipment. But what I could of do of course is to harmonize the lighting post production as you suggest. I will consider this for the next scene.
I know, which is why I suggested the post solution. That should make it better. The other thing you can do in the future is make your display's colour temperature warmer to match but of course that needs to be done in pre-production.
Very cool. I will have to show my son this.
Thank you! My 5yr old son likes it too. I´m not allowing him to play with tanks, so he wondered about this strange cannon with the wheels ;-)
How many times may I make a guess? ;)
Could this be Boston?
As often as you wish, but in your case you don´t need to guess any further.
Boston is the correct answer!
Congratulations! Which detail made you recognize it?
Now keep fingers crossed that this post goes well so that your reward will be higher than 5 SBD :-)
This is so awesome! Very cool!
To be honest, it was a guess following my intuition. I have never been to Boston...
The building in the left was familiar to me, probably I have seen it before in a US tv series, and Boston was the first thing that came to my mind.
The building to the left is the Trinity Episcopal Church in Boston. I was there during a business trip in 2014, and I loved everything about this city. In particular the steak houses :-)
I love this!
Thanks, I´m glad you like it!
i'm sharing the cool
Thank you very much for your support!
Another great scene!
Thank you very much, I´m happy that you enjoyed it!
Ah this will have me puzzled for hours!
The correct answer has already been given by ines-f (see above) :-)
Thanks a lot for stopping by!
Boston, see I would never get that. Next time can England be attacked by dinosaurs?
I think that would be a possibility, yes. I have some nice photos from my last london trip which I could use to set the stage. Let´s see :-)
Sounds good.
Awesome, as always!
Especially the "Making of" - Part, added great value. It made you truly realise out of what parts, this Picture, consists
Thanks Chris!
that looks so cool!! Like a little movie
Thank you! Actually I tried to create something like a movie poster with this scene :-)