- Gothenburg - The Language of the City and Cryptocurrencies and the Stock Market 2021 10 15

in #photography3 years ago


Gothenburg - The Language of the City

Hello all Hive friends!
Cryptocurrencies have turned upwards again, a Bitcoin is today at almost a year high with 61,748.96 dollars. If you are to believe Robert Breedlove, a Bitcoin will be worth about $ 100,000 by the end of the year. Another authority in the field of economics and investment is Warren Buffett. He says sell your Bitcoin now. However, there is much to suggest that the cryptocurrency Bitcoin will continue to rise.
The stock markets turned up today and Stockholm OMX-30 ended at index 2314 and with an increase of 0,78 %. Shares that did well today on the Stockholm Stock Exchange were the biomedical company Episurf, which rose by 25.77% to a price of 4.15, which is probably the beginning of a longer period of rise. Companies such as Coperstone Resources and Cortus Energy are two other companies that have wind in their sails.
Today's pictures are a continuation of my walk in Gothenburg's parks.

Hej alla Hive vänner!
Kryptovalutorna har vänt uppåt igen, en Bitcoin är idag på nästan års högsta med 61,748.96 dollar. Om man ska tro på Robert Breedlove kommer en Bitcoin att vara värd ca 100 000 dollar i slutet av året. En annan aktoritet innom området ekonomi och investeringar är Warren Buffett. Han säger sälj era Bitcoin nu. Mycket talar dock för att kryptovalutan Bitcoin kommer att fortsätta uppåt.
Börserna vände upp idag och Stockholm OMX-30 avslutade på index 2314 och med en uppgång på 0,78 %. Aktier som gick bra idag på Stockholm börsen var Biomedicinska bolaget Episurf som steg med 25,77 % till kursen 4,15, som troligen är en början på en längre tids uppgång. Bolag som Coperstone Resources och Cortus Energy är två andra bolag som har vind i seglen.
Dagens bilder är en fortsätt från min vandring i Göteborgs parker.






Text and photo Morgan Carlsson @scc664
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Links to Galleries and Museums
The museum Amos Rex - Helsingfors, Finland
Moderna Museet - Stockholm
Lousianna - Humlebæk, Denmark

ATG 21 bcd.jpg

Photographic Links

Christer Strömholm; https://www.stromholm.com/
Stig Albansson; https://www.stigalbansson.se/ and on Instagram


If you like fractals, you can also visit these addresses; @see5staar and @rndness222


An interesting radio program broadcast in Swedish (radio P2), is Rendezvous with Kristjan Saag. Friday's theme was, Saxofonisten som försvann.

The musician and songwriter Håkan Wetterbro

Håkan Wetterbro - Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Harold Arlen/E.Y. Harburg)

Photographs by Morgan Carlsson

Art and Photography

Digital imaging in Swedish. Here you can learn the basics. Available on Moderskeppet https://moderskeppet.se/kunskap/bildbehandling/kunskap/digital-bildbehandling/

Literature - Movies - Music

Are you interested in literature, music and movies, the Magazine Fritänkaren. You can read it here, try this address; http://www.fritenkaren.se/
and his complete poems October Harvest. You can buy it here; https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Christian+Lanciai&ref=nb_sb_noss
Christian 2006bcd.jpg
Owner /editor and responsible publisher Magnus Christian Aurelio Lanciai to the Magazine Fritänkaren.

Thanks For Watching!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61039.43
ETH 2460.28
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66