Commute: A photo essay - Day TwosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


Platform 1:

Every morning my journey begins at platform one at Sutherland Station and ends on platform twenty-four at Central.

The trip takes, on average, about 45 minutes, but this can vary depending upon the time I leave and the stopping patterns of the train I catch.

In today’s post my photos depict my journey from start to finish, however, based on the trip I outlined above, the photos as posted contain four significant errors. If you have a keen eye and you’ve spent some time on Sydney’s trains you may be able to tell me what they are. If you can, let me know in the comments. I’ll send a free Ebook version of my novella, Predator Strike to the first person who can correctly identify all four.










About the project:

Living some 33km (21mi) from the Sydney CBD I spend quite a bit of time commuting back and forwards by train to the city. In fact, in an average week I spend about 7.5hrs on Sydney trains and probably a good 2hrs standing around waiting for them.

I usually use this time to read, write or listen to a podcast. For next week or two, however, I’m also going to spend some of that time capturing aspects of my journeys in black and white photos.

All of the photos will be captured, processed and posted from my mobile phone. I’m not quite sure how this will turn out, but hey, it will give me something new and interesting to do each day on my commute.



Gosh, really not sure what I'm looking for, but I noticed the number 25 in one photo. Was that the platform number? if so, didn't you say you alight at 24?

A fun idea, this photo journey, with some interesting photos to boot.

Yes, that’s one. Just three more to go.

I'm falling asleep on my tablet here! No way I'll be able to focus on figuring out any more!

Fun idea of popping in easter eggs in XD I have no idea about Sydney trains as the last time I was in Sydney was landing at the airport and then driving to a relative's an hour or so away.

Thanks, I thought it might be fun. Anyway, to be honest, two of the errors will be apparent to anybody who checks the photos closely against the description I wrote today’s comment. No knowledge of Sydney’s rail system needed all.

I have never been to Sydney or Australia at all, so I cannot spot your differences, but you seem to have a large variety of different trains, so I do not think they all carried you on your journey.

You have a big commute! I'm so glad you found this interesting way to pass the time and show it to us. The "Way Out" photo is very poignant and shows us a good view of the life of a commuter :)

You are partly right. However, there are some things in a couple of the photos that, when compared to the information I provided, will give you a more specific answer, or two.

Hmm... Well, I tried lol. Great photos though. I hope you keep up with this interesting project :)

@fitinfun, thanks for your comments. Be sure to check out Monday’s post, where I provide the answers to the challenge question; provided nobody has worked them out before then.

I will! You have me intrigued :)

I’ve just posted the answers in a new post.

This is a great series, looking forward to seeing more of them

Thanks Mark. I just had a look at your milk and water drop shots. Very cool.

Hi samryan,

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Hola @samryan! Me alegra que, en tus viajes diarios, puedes hacer tus publicaciones de Steemit, son muchas horas a la semana.

paso alrededor de 7,5 horas en trenes de Sydney y, probablemente, unas 2 horas esperándolos.

Lo bueno es, que sabes dar, un buen uso, ese tiempo

Usualmente uso este tiempo para leer, escribir o escuchar un podcast. Para la próxima semana o dos, sin embargo, también pasaré parte de ese tiempo capturando aspectos de mis viajes en fotos en blanco y negro.

¿Viajas por tu trabajo? de ser así
¿No has pensado en mudarte más cerca de tu trabajo?
¿Cuéntame cual fue tu emoción con el voto Curie?
¿Es tu primer voto Curie?
Disculpa que te pregunte tanto, un fuerte y cariñoso abrazo.

Gracias por tu comentario. Para responder tu primera pregunta, sí, esta es la primera vez que Curie ha votado una de mis publicaciones. En cuanto a tu pregunta sobre la mudanza, bueno, eso es fácil. No quiero vivir en la ciudad donde tendría que vivir en un apartamento. En los suburbios puedo pagar una casa grande con mucho espacio y un gran patio. Además, mis hijos van a una escuela muy buena que está muy cerca de nosotros.

Hola gracias por responder, tienes toda la razón, respecto a la mudanza, una casa grande nunca se compararía con un pequeño apartamento, en los pueblos pequeños siempre hay más tranquilidad, es muy importante poder disfrutar con la familia, es una gran decisión la que has tomado, espero sigas compartiendo tus fotos, cariños y besos @samryan

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Thanks for the restreem and upvote.

Wonderful photos. So much atmosphere. Was soaked and hooked.
Lately, I have seen the movie "The Commuter" (at least this was the German title I think), reminded me of the movie.
Hope to see more, thank you so much!!!

Thank you for this photo journey, it is terrific to learn how much time we spend on the way and from work in transport. I can imagine that for you this is a part of your life, sometimes when you do it for a long time you just miss it when you are on holiday somewhere else and while on your trip you just enjoying to look around and to think about what this or that person may be thinks or you sometimes see on and off the same people traveling the same time so you almost know them. The photo-series really good done, having them in black and white that shows that this is a routine and not holiday pictures. Beautiful pictures and great quality.

Thanks, @stef1, be sure to follow the rest of the series as it continues from Monday. That’s when I’ll provide the answers to my challenge question--provided nobody had worked it out before then.

@samryan, what a story telling by using photograph. And it understood easily. I have not been to sydney before, but it seems public transports were common there. But T1 to T24? wow that was far from one end to the other end. The best when you depart in T1 was that you were able to secure a seat until reached destination.
About the error, i think the Bondi Ji route? it seems different route but from the same terminal i.e T4. Another would be how come you able to be at different platform i.e Platform 3 at 8:35:08 but Platform 1 at 8:35:09? It is impossible you in P3 before P1. And your first platform should P1. The time also only millisecond from P1 to P3. Hope my observation was correct :p

Nice try, but no. One of the earlier commenters guessed one of the four, so check that out, and I’ve just posted a few clues in the new Day three post.

Oh no.. even i look at your day three still couldn't figure out what wrong with your photo.. I need to enlarge it and have a clear mind to look at it again. Do you have other clue beside your part 3 :P

Read what I wrote in the day two post, then look closely at each photo to see if what I said matches up with what is shown in the photos.

Hope i get this right 😜 Stand behind yellow line in 2 pictures. The first was before the yellow line, the second picture with train was after the yellow line.

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Lol, no. I’ll help you a little with one or two. Look for platform numbers.

🙈😫let me try figure it out and get back to you "sweating" haha. gosh why i am so blur.

Posted using Partiko Android

I’ve just posted the four answers in a new post.

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