RE: What is in your camera bag? What's in your past camera bags? Show and Tell time!
My partner is the one that's into photography (though he hasn't done any for a while, we don't go out often enough and he ended up playing a lot of Magic again as it's easier). He has a bunch of camera bodies and lenses (just don't ask me what they are, one kind of looks like a telescope and he's rather scornful of my favourite lens XD). He did buy me a Nikon that looks similar to the two you posted because he wanted me to have a proper camera, however I ended up just using my phone as at the time I was lugging a LOT of gear around (had small children at the time) and really didn't need the extra gear that came with lugging a camera.
I probably could carry it around now that the kids have been big enough to carry their own bags (and probably should so I can at least pretend I know how to play around with the virtual cameras in Blender) but I'm lazy XD

I'm thoroughly enjoying using grown up cameras again!