Ephesus Columns Arches... Still Playing with a Photo app...
Ephesus columns arches, still playing with a photo app... Though most adjustments can be made manually in any photo app... It does seem to have certain things unique to itself... Whether it adds to the image or not is more to do with aesthetic judgements and whether the differences are desirable or not... The shot is a simple one from when I was wandering around Ephesus in 2003 in 40ºC + which had it advantages, as most people were sheltering in the café in the air conditioning which I had much of the ancient city and world heritage site to myself... This app has a quite noticeable effect on colour images I will have to try it on black & white to see how that works. The photo was shot digitally in 2003 on quite an early digital camera... One effect I do like is how the app and adjustment bring out the colour in the marble of the structures and makes them 'glow'... Ephesus is an ancient city and world heritage site in Anatolia western Turkey and is the western end of the Asian continent, Ephesus was originally a ancient Greek settlement and city on the Aegean sea, though is now inland and the delta and passage silted up. It was a very important trading city in the ancient world and was at the nexus where the ancient eastern world met the ancient western world, it was later taken over by the Roman Empire. For a complete history or all known history it is very easy to search and find on the internet, as apart from being a world heritage site, it is one of the most complete and reconstructed ancient Greek cities...
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