Bavarian Back Roads Tour
Off the main roads there is a hidden paradise.
Abseits der Hauptstraßen gibt es ein verstecktes Paradies.
These are one-lane roads that are primarily there to access farms.
Dies sind einspurige Straßen, die hauptsächlich für den Zugang zu Bauernhöfen vorgesehen sind.
Even though there are special asphalt bike lanes next to the highway, in Germany it isn't uncommon to encounter bicycle enthusiasts who ride instead on the highway in an outfit worthy of the Tour de France.
Obwohl es oft neben den Bundesstraßen spezielle asphaltierte Fahrradwege gibt, ist es in Deutschland nicht ungewöhnlich, Fahrradenthusiasten zu begegnen, die stattdessen auf den Bundesstraßen fahren – in Outfits, die der Tour de France würdig sind.
If you're not training, and are open to looking for a leisurely tour without cars and trucks whizzing past you, these back roads are a great tip.
Wenn man nicht trainiert, aber auf der Suche nach einer fantastischen gemütlichen Tour ist, ohne dass Autos und Lastwagen vorbeifliegen, sind diese Nebenstraßen ein guter Tipp.
These farm families work very hard, but their reward is living in truly idyllic settings. Surrounded by nature, wide open vistas with fantastic views of the mountains, and peace and quiet.
Diese Bauernfamilien arbeiten sehr hart, aber ihre Belohnung ist ein Leben in einer wirklich idyllischen Umgebung. Sie leben in Ruhe, Umgeben von Natur, mit einem fantastischem Ausblick auf die Berge.
Winter is equally beautiful here, but even the thought of clearing your own driveway to the one-lane road is sobering.
Der Winter ist hier genauso schön, aber selbst der Gedanke, die eigene Zufahrt zu räumen, ist ernüchternd.
Auf jedem Fall, wenn man eine Brotzeit einpackt, kann man einen ganzen Tag damit verbringen, diese herrlichen Nebenstraßen zu durchqueren.
In any case, if you pack a lunch you can spend a day crisscrossing these back roads.
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All photos & effects by @roused

Einfach nur paradiesisch schön!
Springtime has been a long timing coming, but it was worth the wait :-) When the weather is right it really is a wonderful place to be.
Hope you have a great weekend @vieanna
Habe a wonderful sunday, too!
Maybe the next holiday should be a Bavarian bicycle tour. I organised a large family tour with bicycles some summers ago and it was wonderful. I hate using my holiday looking out of a car window.
I often feel so sorry for tourists when they come here and get 10 days of crappy weather. We are lucky to live here so we can take advantage of good weather.
The Southern side of the Alps is better in terms of sunshine and fair weather, but if you If you get lucky here with the weather it a wonderful.
I would love to tour the Netherlands on a bike. We once rented bikes and rode from Lieden to den Haag and back through the dunes on the North Sea, that was a great experience.
Hope you have a great weekend, thanks for stopping by!
We are Danes! Bad weather is a life condition. Sounds like a great idea to go biking in Holland. Your bike-trip was along the Danish West coast which is the Northern continuation of the Dutch coast so I guess it has been pretty similar.
Die Bilder sind dir gelungen....und über die Radfahrer rege ich mich auch ständig auf.....Bie uns fahren die lieber auf der engen Straße neben dem See, anstatt am Ufer des Sees den schönen Rad und Wanderweg zu nehmen.
;-) und teilweise drei neben einander!
if I lived there I'd be on a mountain bike all day. idyllic place
Especially in springtime, have a great weekend!
Awesome, can i join sndbox community..
Start by following @sndbox, checking out tutorials, videos, and posts. Everything you need to know in there.
What a beautiful place.
Das strahlt für mich Ruhe aus :)
Great photos @roused, and amazing landscape. I've always wanted to visit this kind of place, everything seems really peaceful, no city noises :)
Wow what a beautiful place to be...I hope to take a tour here someday