The beauty of the Pamir mountains of "TAJIKISTAN" unknown internet

in #photography7 years ago

I love the mountains. This love comes from childhood, because I was born in the Caucasus, and my mother, who was a tour guide, often pushing me there, featuring caves, plateau and snow-covered peaks. Then I started going to the mountains themselves and any new road is a joy for me. In Tajikistan, I feel at home – indeed really mountainous country, but Cliff looks quite different. It is very difficult to continue the Pamir Trakt, because you want to stop constantly. And not only at a meeting of photos, and-"in this place, it would be great to meet up with the sunset. Yes, and dawn, too.

built on the and here sometimes there are ancient forts. Here, for example, is the fortress Yamchun, third century BC on the slopes of the cliff to protect trade routes. The peaks of Afghanistan's Wakhan Valley and the mountains spread from behind. I love places like-you can touch stones and felt the weight of age.

Sometimes on the road there is a field that the process method of the kids – with a plow and livestock. Arriving in the Valley of Jizev, we decided to walk and walk six kilometers to the


It turns out that there are also people who live there, they are very friendly, as well as the whole. We were given tea, cake, honey and candy and began telling me about life.

And I, meanwhile, decided to "fly" to talk. After seeing the beauty of the surroundings, I make mistakes-video shooting, flying Sideways at "Sypuhu". Relationship with the drone was soon discontinued, and we rushed to the top of the bone. Frankly, I believe that we will be able to find, but ... He was still out there flying with Orlicami. Night road took us to the village of Bulunkul. Meteorological station is famous for the lowest temperature recorded in Central Asia-63 degrees Celsius. Temperature nightmare

at the time of night, they took us to the village of Bulunkul. Meteorological station is famous for the lowest temperature recorded in Central Asia-63 degrees Celsius. Temperature nightmare Especially if you look at the lodges where residents live and know what heat the home Kizjakom.and in shoc dara valley there are mountains and colorful around amaze imagination.

Physical overview of Tajikistan's most palpable in the melody most people certainly is high mountains snow bertudung reaching space. No one indeed. Eastern hemisphere of Tajikistan is the Pamir are almost entirely located above an altitude of 3,000 meters, and was nicknamed with very romantic: the roof of the world.

A paved road M-41 (also known as "Pamir Highway") that studded the holes and snaking mountain ravine on the edge of an almost perpendicular rock connects Dushanbe with Pamir. The name of the region is actually a Mountainous Badakhshan Autonomous Province, better known by the acronym Russia language: GBAO. Is about 45percent of the population of Tajikistan, broad but only 5 percent of the national population.

Our Russia Jeep down a narrow path along the banks of the Amu Darya River, a natural boundary line between Tajikistan with Afghanistan. River Valley is not too wide, anyone can clearly see life in abroad there. Parallel with the road we pass in Tajikistan is a footpath, narrow, dusty uphill and swooped to follow the back mountains, right on the banks of the river turbulent great. An Afghan man beserban seen hobbling, drag ass lazy that carries the body of a beautiful woman draped in white cloth from head to toe without the slightest look of his face. As for me, in the world of Tajikistan are just a few metres away from them, sitting in the Jeep crowding the narrow Russia. A Tajik girl green eyed blond rested her head on my shoulders, with us humming pop songs Russia and Iran. Residents on both sides of the River are both Muslim minority Ismaili sect. The famous Ismaili people for welcoming culture. Than just a fellow passenger who skipped the three-hour jeep ride from Khorog (GBAO's capital), Alisher Bodurbekov invited me to visit his home in the village of Ishkashim, which is the gateway to the legendary Wakhan Valley. "Stay, no matter how many days youwant to," he said, "because our House is your House." Traditional Tajik Pamiri intangible roofed box flat, with the vent Windows on the roof of the House as a place of entry of light. Home supported five pillars, originally as a symbol of the gods in the ancient beliefs of Zarathustra's cult of fire, but has now been replaced with Islamic significance, i.e. five major members of the family of the Prophet Muhammad. The House of Ismaili in Tajikistan is more modern than our brethren in Afghanistan and Pakistan, said Alisher, the key is education. Tajikistan, a poor, though there is not a population that is illiterate The Soviet Union is credited by building a network of education across the country, and educate the Nations of Central Asia by way of Russia. However, the Soviet Union also separates them from their brethren across the river there. The Amu Darya River along the border between Russia with Afghanistan set out at the end of the 19th century, and in the 1930s the Soviet Union troops came to seal tight border so that residents on both sides of the river no longer can interact.

Although Afghanistan is just across the street from there, but how does their life we never know,said Alishe The eastern end of the Valley of the Wakhan is a small village called Langar. Here, The River is not wide, but increasingly turbulent Rapids. A few hundred metres from the village, a bridge that is only three metres wide, 20 meters in length, to cross the River to Afghanistan. But the bridge was sealed wire thorns and portal, with young Tajik soldiers standing upright under the flagpole and parquet boards coat of arms. Several years ago, a bridge in this remote village never opened, and the market heldtogether between two villages in both countries. The excitement that will never fadein memory of Gulchera, a female resident of Langar. "They came up with a donkey and a horse, carrying a wide variety of strange items that never kubayangkan: beaded, embroidered robes of the shabby, turban lengths, details of stone jewelry for women. They like living in history. But coming just men, there are no women at all.

His eyes were closed, her face keriputnya to emit a smile when reminiscing about all of it. Alas, the market was only ever opened once, never held again. The bridge remained sealed the barbed wire

The Commander of the border troops of Tajikistan said at the market, I was forced to stopped because no facilities for it: passport control, customs clearance, quarantine. All the way down to the border, I also saw young soldiers patrol constantly Tajikistan berselempang Kalashnikov on foot on a very hostile terrain even in the most hostile weather. This country certainly need extra personnel to secure the borders of this leaked from the neighboring country that produces 90 percent of the world's heroin. To Gulchera who still fantasize about the world across there, I showed the photos I ever took a few moments earlier from the Wakhan in Afghanistan side. Tears Gulchera irresistible, kept dripping, membarengi a smile on his face.

"I know!" he said, "this is my aunt's children. My aunt used to cross into there, married a resident there, and then trapped there unable to cross back into here after Russia troops came. I met these cousins in the international market yesterday. "


1. Tajikistan mempunai the meaning of "Tajik Land". Tajik term used by medieval Turkey to show Iran-speaking people. 11th century DRI, the term refers to people of eastern Iran, but in the 15th century the term into the Persian language. Persian literature in the middle ages, the term Tajik is synonymous with "Perian". There is another saying that Tajik's name comes from the name of the tribe of the pre Islamic Zoroastrian might come from, which means "Crown" or "the King".

2. Ismoili Somoni is the famous ruler of Tajikistan at the beginning of the 10th century. Now the name of the highest peak in Tajikistan, Ismoili Somoni peak, i.e. high 7495 m. monument to Ismail Somoni is one monument in Dushanbe.

3. in the 7th century and 8th, the Arabs invaded the place and brought Islam. Tajikistan dominated by Uzbekistan and then by Afghanistan until later claimed by Russia in 1860 's.

4. Tajikistan had originally been part of the Samanid Empire, but later merged with the Soviet Union.

5. Tajikistan broke away from Uzbekistan in 1929 and became a Soviet Socialist Republic. Tajikistan became independent in 1991 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

6. after independence, Tajikistan is experiencing sporadic conflicts due to the dominance of the Communist Government who fought with Islamic and democratic opposition forces. Despite international efforts to stop the civil war, but the war continued. About 60,000 people died in the civil war of Tajikistan. The conflict officially ended on June 27, 1997 with the signing of a peace Pact in Moscow between the Government of President Imomali Rakhmonov and Tajik Oposis Unite (United Tajik Opposition/UTO), the coalition of groups of the Islamic period.

7. language of Tajikistan is the language of Tajiks who almost the same as the Persian. This language is part of the ancient Persian Empire, ruled by Darius I and later was conquered by Alexander the Great (333 BC).

8. The majority of the population of Tajikistan is Muslim Sunni, Shia and Christians then. The largest ethnic groups in Tajikistan are ethnic Tajiks. Currency of Tajikistan is the Tajik Somoni and the capital is Dushanbe.

9. The religion of Zoroaster affected the traditions and superstitions of the population of Tajikistan. Many people believe that supernatural powers to affect daily life, and they wear an amulet-amulet to protect himself from evil. They even consulted to fortune tellers and the issue of arranged marriages, and others.

10. Lake Karakul lies in the Pamir mountain range and the high 3915 above sea level.

11. Do you know that Russia's army is reported to have seen The Abominable Snowman or Yeti in the Pamir mountain range. The legend of the Yeti still believed the people of Tajikistan until now.

12. More than 50% of Tajikistan is located at 3000 meters above sea level. More than 90% of the area of Tajikistan berua mountains.

13. The Silk Road, namely the trade route between China and Europe is across Tajikistan. The ancient city of Khodjand is an important location of the Silk Road.

14. Sarazm, Panjikent, is close to an existing settlement since the bronze age.

15. The capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajik is derived from meaning Monday. This is because the city is derived from the famous with the name of rural market place Monday.

16. Kuda Karabair and Conveniently are farmed and was trained in Tajikistan.

17. the Tajik Mountains provide many opportunities to exercise outdoors, such as hill climbing, mountain biking, rock climbing, skiing, ski, hiking and mountaineering. However the limited amenities. Mountaineering and hiking the surrounding mountains and the Pamirs, including Fann peaks as high as 7000 meters in the region.

18. Lake Iskanderkul is taken from the name of Alexander the Great. Surrounded by the mountains of Fann, Iskanderkull Lake is one of the most beautiful places in Tajikistan. Its length is 2.5 km long by 1 km is located at an altitude of 2.255. above sea level.

19. Lake Alauddin is beautiful Lake with clear water and a cool and good for swimming. The area is also menawarkaan mountain view for relaxation.

20. Lake Kulikalon is a group of three lakes in the mountains of Zeravshan in the southwest of Sughd province. The Lake is famous for its kilauannya with colorful Rainbow.

21. The Amu Darya and Panj Rivers was the border with Afghanistan, and glaciers in the mountains of Tajikistan is the main water source which empties into the Aral Sea. In Tajikistan there are 900 rivers over 10 kilometres in length.

22. the Nurek Dam in Tajikistan is the highest dam in the world.

23. Fann Mountains is one of the attractive tourist in Tajikistan. Mountaineering, climbing rocks, climbing and ice are some of the activities that can be enjoyed here.

24. The fortress of Gissar fortress is a beautiful Valley Gisser. This Fort beradadi plateau with Islamist-style entrance.

25. Famous for its exciting Interior, Opera and Ballet Theatre is a theatre for concertsAyni classical music and opera.

26. In Tajikistan, the eyebrows to be continued (unibrow) is considered very attractive in women. If you were born without the thick eyebrows, then you have to paint it every day to appear attractive.

27. Tajikistan made a law that limited the number of people who can be invited to a party (such as a wedding) based on income/household wealth, to avoid people so as not to incur losses/bankrupt after the ceremony/party.

28. In ancient times the Fergana Valley in Tajikistan have the best horse in the rest ofAsia and Europe. Europeans will travel far just by using these horses.

29. In order to be free from poverty and unemployment, many Tajik men who moved to Russia to find work. There they are often tortured and killed by the ruler of Russia.

30. most of the heroin produced in Afghanistan transits through Tajikistan.

31. Tajikistan Dictators ever recorded was drunk while singing at the wedding of his son, later the video was uploaded to Youtube. As a result, Youtube is banned in Tajikistan. Other restrictions are also imposed on Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

32. In 1999, the Government created a Day of consolidation (17 June) to celebrate the era of Saminid, in a saha unites residents and promote the idea of the State. New year's feast day is celebrated on January 1. The day was commemorated International Wania on 8 March. Gulsum Sahin (21 March). Fasting Zoroastrian-style is the traditional new year celebrations.

33. Tajikistan claiming the poets Omar Khayyam and Alisher Navoi as part of traditional literature. Firdowsi respected because creating an epic syait as a way to educate people.

34. American Government support after the devastating civil war of Tajikistan. American help in the construction of the suspension bridge over the river Amu (Amudarya) connecting Tajikistan and Afghanistan and length reaches 135 meters. The bridge became a trading facility to South Asia and helping Tajikistan overcome the problem after the war, such as the impact of poverty. The bridge is often referred to as "Tajikistan-Afghanistan friendship bridge".

35. The corridor Wakhan (Wakhan Corridor) is a part of Afghanistan. Wakhan Corridor runs between Tajikistan and Pakistan and becomes the boundary that separates the two countries. Sometimes called also with Wakhan Salient, namely narrow routeswith some breadth of less than ten miles. One part of this route we call with the Silk Road which became a major trade route.

36. The legislation of Tajikistan regulate that each religious community must be registered by the National Committee for Religious Relations (State Committee on Religious Affairs/SCRA) and are registered by the local authority.

37. Kayrakkym Reservoir, which is called the sea of Tajik, in the East of Khujand, and built as usat hydropower in the Sir Darya. Now it is so emnarik for tourists. There is a sanatorium, recreation areas, and place the tent on the beach of the sea among the orchards. For example, sanatorium "Bahoriston". Sanatroium is built on the edge of the antai and now became a health komleks.

38. food that is popular in Tajikistan is Plov (same with Persian Pilaf), Shashlik, and Qurutob.

39. The culture of Tajikistan heavily influenced his past, for example sport, Buzkashi claimed originated from here. There exist diverse ingredients of traditional arts and crafts, such as socks and Pamiri suzanis Panjikent.

Republic of Tajikistan is a splinter of the Soviet Union in Central Asia that borders Afghanistan to the South, China in the East, Kyrgyzstan in the North and Uzbekistan in the West. Its condition is not plateau bordering the sea. Most of the population of Tajikistan belong to the Persian-speaking Tajik ethnic and share history, language and culture with Afghanistan and Iran. After being part of the Samanid Empire, Tajikistan became a constituent Republic of the Soviet Union in the 20th century with the name of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic.

This is the story that I find in the country that this remote country of origin which is not in the google map or other knowledge about thank you have been reading the story of the story that I give may be useful 

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ORIGINAL WRITING BY ME :@rahmatmaulana

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