in #photography6 years ago (edited)


Another weekend is upon us. I seem to have been pushing my harder than usual, and because it is actually beginning to feel like Spring, I decided to take some time yesterday afternoon and start preparing my smallest greenhouse for moving seedling and more into it. Well, I did not get very far when I decided to get a bottle of water from the house, and two of my dogs followed me in. They had been doing "doggy" things and I had not been paying much attention. Suddenly I realized my youngest dog (Sheba) had one of her hind legs off the floor and there was blood everywhere...Now Sheba is quite high strung and she was less than cooperative, but I finally got her on the floor, partially in my lap, trying to calm her and stop the blood flow. I had grabbed some bandages and clean cloth to act as a compress.

With Deborah, my wife's help, I was able to get a pain pill and an anxiety pill in her. After she was bandaged, she was up and moving around and even though the bandage was secure and thick the blood started flowing again. Repeat bandaging with still a less than cooperative dog. As I finished the second bandage, using a topical cream that has antibiotic cream and some topic pain reliever, she calmed considerably. So much for my afternoon...with my stress level almost as high as her I soaked in a hot tub of water to relax, and because I had aggravated my back and neck injury (old story on that), I needed to ease up my own pain ( I do not take pain pills) and the hot water helped.

This morning Sheba is mostly walking on 3 legs, but she left the bandage on all night. Before I change bandage this morning I will give her anxiety meds and a pain pill. I will place a photo from this morning toward the end of the post.

Also toward the end of this post I want to discuss and share some links for some projects I have been involved with, but first let us get some pictures uploaded.

Most viewers like to see a rose as the first photograph, and even though I am running low on flower photographs (Until Spring flowers begin) I still have a few rose photos left. I may have to dig deep to find unused photographs, or go into those that were posted some time ago. But for new here is a cheerful rose to start things out with.


Here is a photo of Sheba. You can see the blue halter, but you can make out the blue bandage on her left foot.


It has been awhile since I posted wildlife, but my daughter was able to get a photograph of a moose in her back yard. He was heading over to where I have 3 game cameras set up, so I am hoping I will get some video clips or pictures from the game cameras. The quality of this photo is not the best...but well worth a look.


In previous post I have discussed growing salad greens in doors under lights during our cold winter. This photograph is of some pea shoots. On the left they are just got to the well sprouted stage and on the right they are ready to add to a salad.


This next one is a photo of a lettuce plant grown hydroponically...I always try and choose varieties with added color besides green...


Then this last photograph is of a flower that I probably posted some time ago. It appears to be a Dianthus that we have in our flower garden.


This concludes the photos for this weeks posts, but I would like to touch on a few topics before I upload post.

First as many know I have spent many hours going through users who left comments that did not appear legitimate. I backtracked through their wallets (and posts) and found many suspicious things. I muted at least 50 people who commented on my last post because they were more than likely part of multiple accounts designed to farm upvotes from me. I see @steemcleaners has done their thing on many of them. In the event some were missed I will be looking closely at them and will not hesitate to mute them. It is okay to have more than one account but do not try and comment with both names on a post. Some that have been muted may still show up, but I will not be able to see them.

Enough of that! Now I want to talk about a couple of projects I have been involved with. 2 of them I have supported for well over a year. The latest one I had in my post last week and that is a program designed to help feed children and elderly in Venezuela who are dealing with malnutrition. I will leave a link to their blog and one to their Fundition page:

https://steemit.com/@aid.venezuela & https://fundition.io/#!/@aid.venezuela/30wfgrql0
I spent a lot of time upvoting Venezuelans this week which prevented me from getting many of your posts. I had to set priorities.

These next two links are of two programs I have supported for quite awhile and it has been exciting to watch them grow. One appears to have a fundition program going but not the other:


All three deserve assistance, no matter how small.

Lastly if anyone knows of a project on steemit or Fundition that are helping with the victims of the flooding in Zimbabwe please let me know. I will have to investigate to be sure they are legitimate. I do not think you can get on Fundition without being checked out.

Now I will close this post and get it uploaded. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Thank you for viewing and reading my post.

I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted.


end of post graphic.png



Wonderful photos like always, have a great weekend everybody

Posted using Partiko Android

One word: "Yellow"

Thank you very much. Welcome to my blog.

Thank you :-)

Excellent review @r2cornell and I really hope that everything will be fine with your dog and its paw will heal very quickly! Your photos are gorgeous as always and the flowers with their delicate shades look very beautiful, it is also nice to look at your greenery that you have grown with your own hands, this is great, especially after a long winter!

Thank you very much. I appreciate it! Sheba is under two years old and should heal quickly. I had to tell her "no" only a couple of times about trying to chew the bandage off. She is probably one of most intelligent dogs I have ever had.

Snow is melting fast and I see a few Spring flower bulbs pushing through the ground. Seems like this winter has been a bit long.

@r2cornell, I'm happy to see your impressive natural photography. It has wonderful looks. I always stunning with your brilliant macros. Roses giving me big satisfaction.
Namasthe. Happy weekend.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

Violate color flower very special to me because it's my favorite color. Salad leaves very special leaves for enjoyable moment. These dog like horror. He has scary face cut.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

It will be a few days for the healing to begin on Sheba's foot. Trying to keep from chewing off the bandage. She got it off once today and stepped down on it. Once I got her laying down she became calmer. It must have hurt. I have extra padding under the bandage so maybe it will not hurt as much.

Wao what a great collection of photos. I always like your photography. All flowers looks so beautiful and attractive. And see the moose looks so beautiful. Natural beauty always attract the peoples. I totally appriciate your effort. Thanks for sharing. @r2cornell.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

Feliz fin de semana amigo @r2cornell, veo que aprecia mucho a la naturaleza en especial las plantas y las flores. Una pregunta amigo que amimal es ese que aparece en la tercera foto. Saludos desde Venezuela y se le agradece todo el apoyo que consigue para todos los Venezolan@s.

Muchas gracias. Ha sido un placer conocer a muchos de Venezuala. Ojalá pudiera ser en mejores circunstancias.

El animal en la tercera foto es un alce. Es nativo del norte de los Estados Unidos y Canadá, así como en otras partes del mundo. Son grandes y pueden tener un mal genio.

Eso es verdad pero esperemos que podamos mejorar y con personas como usted amigo @r2cornell que nos apoyan de seguro lo vamos a lograr. Pero el Alce es solo para clima frio o se adapta a cualquier otro clima. Saludos y buena noche

Beautiful photos with eye-catching flowers, I really enjoy your work sir, @r2cornell .. oh yeah, I've joined the fundition.io aid.venezuela that you support but I still don't understand how it works

Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

Fundition is a means to raise funds though gifts and donations. Ideally more people will get to see information about the program. You have to go through an application process. So those who have the resources and can afford it they can donate. I saw some donations as low as $0.01, and it helps fund the program to feed some of the vulnerable population in Venezuela.

I'm fascinated for my wonderful posts. Everybody impressed with the beauty of the flowers and the fragrance. I appreciate your good photography. Have a great day.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

I am so sorry for Sheba :( She reminds me of Jessie, the dog we had when I was a little kid. What happened to her? Did she step on a glass shard or something?

Thank you very much. I think she got near a pile of ceramic tile (scraps) for having tile put in our home. It is at the top of the list to clean it up. When Sheba is outdoors she is always on the move and pays little attention to what she is doing. This is her second cut on her pad of foot, but worse than the first.

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