This weekend I am continuing to clean out my old business files. Boxing up what I need to keep and putting it in storage. My goal is to reduce much of the furniture and clutter in my home office. I can only handle a little of it at a time, although I am making steady progress.
My oldest dog who has seizures is doing better. I make sure I give her medicine before one comes on. Friday morning we noticed a behavior that seemed to be similar to what we thought preceded other seizures. I immediately gave her medicine immediately. She was back to normal with in a few minutes. So we think we found what to watch for besides giving her medicine twice a day.
I am sure you have noticed the beautiful lavender rose above. I took so many beautiful rose photos last week that I am still not through them all. This one caught my attention and I am using it for my desktop picture. I figured some might enjoy this one.
This next photo is of some foliage, although I have no idea what it is, but really like the blend of colors:
This next photo is a nice close-up of a marigold. At least that is what I believe it is. Sometimes after taking so many different flower photographs it is difficult to tell the difference. I just love the unique blend of orange colors:
I found another Lily in my flower photographs. A nice bright yellow one:
Here is another photo that I am not recognizing the flower. If I recall it was low growing and I took this Macro-shot:
I saved for my last photo in this post a photo taken by my game camera. These two bucks are still in velvet as you can see. They are probably 2 to 3 years old. It is difficult to tell this year based on antler size because I have noticed even the yearlings have larger antlers than I usually see. You can see one of my sheds on the right side of the photo. This gives an idea of how close they are to our house. The one is using the salt/sulfur lick I set out for them. The sulfur helps reduce the tics. Without them some of the deer would be in rough shape.
This brings us to the end of the photographs for my weekend post. As usual I hope you find at least one item here that you enjoy.

I am seeing more people using the neoxian and palnet tags in there posts, and now creativecoin. The first two are open to most posts, although creativecoin requires that there is some creativity involved in your post. I joined their discord channel and asked about my photography and it fits their requirements. Before using any of these or others as a tag be sure it fits the intent of the token. Using these when posting on steemit can help you earn money on the other three platforms, as well as steemit. If you vote on someone's post who uses these tags you probably already having earnings in respective wallets. If you have not done so, then look into those wallets and see. With the price of Steem being low the extra earnings can help a lot.
Information an another bid-bot and/or place to delegate for more earnings is found here: https://www.neoxian.city/neoxian/@zaku/introducing-neoxag-bid-bot-sink-delegate-steem-power-and-earn-neoxag-each-and-every-day-passive-profit-for-upvote-buyers

I have supported these for quite awhile. I am researching newer ones, and once I feel comfortable that they are doing what they say they are doing I may include more. Each will receive a portion of earnings from this post
Each of these users have a unique service they provide and I applaud their good work. Thank you for considering them.

Wonderful photographs Grandpa. Love the rose.
Thank you hon!
Had a great time on the trip to get these photographs Dad. Beautiful
Thank you. I had a great time too
Nice flowers, have a good weekend everybody
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much.
@r2cornell, Orange colour holds very different effect and in my opinion strongest too. Hope that you love these orange one's, and when we explore the flowers day in and out then every flower becomes lovable. Stay blessed.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you. Yes I love the orange ones.
Welcome and have a great time ahead.
Posted using Partiko Android
I LOVE taking pictures of flowers!! There are so many unique and beautiful flowers in the world! Even some weeds are quite amazing! The buck photo is so neat! I love nature soooo much! Namaste
Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!
I have lots of "weed" flower photos. Some are more beautiful than domesticated flowers.
Very beautiful photos and these flowers look amazingly beautiful, especially close up. I hope your dog will get better soon!
Thank you very much. I finally got my daughter to use her Macro lens. I just love what I can do with it.
My dog has gone seizure free since the last one several days ago. We noticed a behavior that we thought we had seen prior to some of her other seizures, so I immediately gave her a dropper full of CBD oil. She got back to normal quickly and no seizure.
Magnificent flowers @r2cornell and I wished that I have a garden that has them because of colors of beauty that has a function to attract the eye of insects and humans too because we people are very visual and can appreciate such with our eyes and sense of smell.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it! @cryptopie.
Wow the cover picture is really awesome. The picture is perfect I really love to see rose.
I want it for my garden
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much.
Awesome pink rose flower and the small purple color macro-shot is quite beautiful. Sir, you are really very organized in your life, so many things you are managing in daily schedule and that to at this age. You are an inspiration to others.
Probably you are living very close to nature and if that is the case, then you are really fortunate. Living close to nature always inspires life in a very different way and that is essential for physical and psychological well-being. The flowers always reminds me the beauty of life. Your blog is really beautiful just like that pink rose.
Thank you very much. But aren't I still a youngster? :o) I am behind on a lot of things but I will get to it in time.
Glad you liked the post.
Such a beautiful photography,I like 1st & last one most.
Thank you very much.