Puede que haya usado una foto rosa similar en el pasado, pero esta foto específica no ha sido codificada para que yo la use. Usé esta para hacer una tarjeta de aniversario para mi esposa de 33 años. Espero que lo disfruten!
I have been very active with @r2cornell's Discord Community Curation Project. It takes a lot of work. I have been trying to list all the links to "posts" that were curated, and then highlight some good ones. We had over 80 posts listed last report and the next could be even more. I am doing some thinking on how to handle this as we grow. I am working on this with some suggestions from @priyanarc. I am hoping to make some changes by the time I do the curation report.
He sido muy activo con el Proyecto de Curaduría Comunitaria de Discordia de @r2cornell. Requiere mucho trabajo. He estado intentando listar todos los enlaces a los "posts" que fueron curados, y luego destacar algunos buenos. Teníamos más de 80 entradas en la lista del último informe y la siguiente podría ser aún más. Estoy pensando en cómo manejar esto a medida que crecemos. Estoy trabajando en esto con algunas sugerencias de @priyanarc. Espero hacer algunos cambios para cuando haga el informe de curaduría.
I would like to now move onto photographs for this weekend's post. I have already written about the beautiful rose above. This next flower is a macro-photo of a very small wildflower. I have no idea of the name, but even as small as it is it turned out good using the macro-lens:
Me gustaría ahora pasar a las fotografías para el post de este fin de semana. Ya he escrito sobre la hermosa rosa de arriba. Esta siguiente flor es una macrofoto de una flor silvestre muy pequeña. No tengo ni idea del nombre, pero por muy pequeño que sea resultó ser bueno usar el macro-lente:
I found this patch of yellow flowers, but do not recall where I took the photograph...
Encontré esta mancha de flores amarillas, pero no recuerdo dónde tomé la fotografía....
I spotted this photograph and I am thinking it is a California Poppy, based on the foliage and flower. No matter what it is I really like it:
Vi esta fotografía y estoy pensando que es una amapola de California, basada en el follaje y la flor. No importa lo que sea, realmente me gusta:
Ah yes, I found another Zinnia to share. Like the roses, sometimes a Zinnia photo may look similar to a previously used photo, but this one has not been used before now:
Ah, sí, encontré otra Zinnia para compartir. Al igual que las rosas, a veces una foto de Zinnia puede parecerse a una foto usada anteriormente, pero ésta no se ha usado hasta ahora:
I will close this weekend's post with a pale yellow sunflower. This is one of the palest ones I have grown.
Cerraré el post de este fin de semana con un girasol amarillo pálido. Esta es una de las más pálidas que he cultivado.
I trust that there is at least one thing in my post that each of you enjoys.
I am working on the next Curation Report for our Discord Community. Activity on the server continues to increase . Like I indicated at the beginning of this post we are working on some changes to the report, and may open a new channel. This will be elaborated in our Curation Report. I will continue to combine the Spanish and English reports into one like I do with my regular posts. This is easier on me, even with the extra formatting.
Be sure and watch for the Curation report from @dsc-r2cornell this weekend. Also be sure and follow us at @dsc-r2cornell. Have a great weekend!
Confío en que hay al menos una cosa en mi post que cada uno de ustedes disfruta.
Estoy trabajando en el próximo Informe de Cura para nuestra comunidad de la Discordia. La actividad en el servidor sigue aumentando. Como indiqué al principio de este post, estamos trabajando en algunos cambios en el informe, y es posible que abramos un nuevo canal. Esto será elaborado en nuestro Informe de Curacion. Seguiré combinando los informes en español e inglés en uno solo, como lo hago con mis puestos regulares. Esto es más fácil para mí, incluso con el formato extra.
Asegúrese de estar atento al informe de curaduría de @dsc-r2cornell este fin de semana. También asegúrese de seguirnos en @dsc-r2cornell. Que tengan un buen fin de semana!

Hello sir @r2cornell. nice to meet you again. flower photo
A Peach Colored Rose is a flower that looks beautiful. and it's very good to be the first photo. and zinnia flower photos also look very beautiful.
Thanks you for visiting. I am happy you enjoyed the photos.
Hello. For a long time you didn’t post your posts. Photos of flowers, as always, are very beautiful. Question 33 years did you live with your spouse married? I just understood. If so, then I congratulate you.
Thank you very much. Glad to see you visiting. Yes I lived with my spouse married for these 33 years.
Bunga yang sangat Indah, dan juga sangat cantik. Sehingga banyak orang yang tertarik pada bunga ini,, saya sangat suka dengan bunga ini teman baikku.. Terimakasih
Terima kasih banyak.
What a lot of pretty flowers... I wish we had as many here, but our tropical weather is too hot for some of these, like roses which wither very fast. The shot of the rose is very pretty...
Thank you very much.
Beautiful rose, it is elegant and delicate. The flower of macro photography, I think I've seen them near my mom's house. Sunflower looks different since the center is not brown as I have seen in the other photos.
Ahh and I almost forgot the zinnia, it's a spectacular shot, I love that flower.
Happy anniversary to you and your wife, who turn many more years.
Thank you very much. I am happy you enjoyed.
Hermosas fotos como siempre nos tienes acostumbrados, estimado. Me gustó mucho la Zinnia.
Posted using Partiko Android
Muchísimas gracias. Se lo agradezco. Las zinnias son siempre tan maravillosas de ver, pero eso es lo que digo de la mayoría de las flores.
What's name this flowers?

I think it is a California Poppy. I do not recall taking it and the foliage looks a lot like a California Poppy, as does the flower.
How are you @r2cornell,
I enjoy it's, i like a peach colored rose, because it's looks soft color,
Happy anniversary for your wife of 33 years, you're really romantic,rose is suitable flower for your love
I am doing well. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Wowwwv such nice photography
Thank you very much.
Hello @r2cornell, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.