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RE: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Texas

Hi, @xcountrytravelers!

Visiting new places and learning new things by observation is called 3D learning. It lasts lifetime on the memory due to the emotions attached to the snaps which the mind captures.

These photos seem similar to me but I have never been in foreign land. May be it is similar to the fort of an Indian king I visited.

Thanks for sharing!


Posted using Partiko Android


I had no clue @questionthetrend! Maybe that is why I get such a high from the travel and experiencing new things. I know that the times I am learning this way and doing it a lot, time seems to slow down. It is the best thing at slowing the aging process.

I wonder why they seem similar to you. They are our original photos so they aren't copied and they are in Texas! Definitely a foreign land! haha. The building structure is very old and what people have done all over the world. It is usually man-made cement with local stones for the bridges, roads and some structures. That is such a cool thought actually.

Thanks so much for stopping and spending time with us.

I have no doubt that these are original pics. Sorry if my comment felt otherwise.

You inspired me to travel more often.


Posted using Partiko Android

I have no doubt that these are original pics. Sorry if my comment felt otherwise.

You inspired me to travel more often.


Posted using Partiko Android

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