Pups and Rainbows [Photo Shoot + Vlog]

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

I got to shoot with a fantastic photographer and her dogs followed me around the entire time. It was one of the best days ever.

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Cora is a photographer who I had wanted to work with for a really long time, but felt I was too inexperienced at the time to successfully approach. Lucky for me, she messaged me out of the blue one day asking to shoot, and I was on cloud nine. We set up a shoot, and I made the drive up to her house in northern Tennessee.

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Once I arrived, I finally met Cora and she offered me some tea. Now if you only remember a few things about me, just know that the way to my heart is a good cup of tea and dogs. Cora had both. I fell so madly in love with her pups I could barely contain my joy. It took every inch of willpower I had to not just drop to the floor and roll around with the dogs.

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She had a studio set up in her garage so we started there first. She had tons of really creative and fun ideas that turned out so well. We smeared paint all over a clear piece of plexiglass and she shot through it. It added such a cool effect.

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Cora was also inspired by my hair and set up purple and black sheets of poster board on alternate sides of my head for this really neat opposite color effect.

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We finished up with some natural light pictures as well as a shot utilizing the prism she had hanging in her living room. It cast glittery, rainbow rays all across her living room walls, and we couldn't pass it up.

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I had such a fantastic time visiting Cora, and I can't wait to make another trip back to create more incredible images and pet her adorable pups. You can check out more of her phenomenal work here. I've also attached a vlog of some behind the scenes footage from our shoot. As always, thank you so much for checking out my work. I want to add that I'm so grateful for all the new follows and upvotes the past few days, and I'm so excited to continue sharing my life with you all. Have a great day, everyone!

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love the purple and black shot - really creative

Thank you so much! I like it, too. I'm glad she thought to use the poster boards. :)

Very cool. This is my favourite:

It's so different I love the spectrum of colours and narrow shaft of light.

Thank you! I think that's my favorite, too :)
She did such a fantastic job of catching the light just right.

OOO you are very beautiful girl! Thank for your post!

Oh thank you so much, natalia! :) So are you!

the second image resonates most with me though the purple and black should also get merit being a well executed and thought out piece.

You're Awesome! <3

Omg what no YOU are. Your art is freaking amazing! It's literally my dream art style haha I wish I was half as good as you.

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