How to make a good picture
I'm still far away from being expert in any kind of #photography. But what I noticed during my current #experience, that most of #images that are really good I took by accident. I don't mean that I was waking with my camera and push shutter accidental. I mean, that when try hard to catch good frame, moment, light and so on, maybe those pictures are good (brilliant when checking on camera LCD). But when at home, I download files to #PS to check them, most of my favourites lose with pictures I called 'to delete'.
I focused so much on flash light adjustment that picture it self is just boring
I think there are two reasons for it. One is that pictures on your camera LCD looks much different than on proper screen.
But more important I think is, that when you stop to think about all technical stuff, your posture and you allow yourself to be #creative or just try something new, than you get #great shot.
Picture taken without thinking, as spider was on the move
This is my experience, if you'd like to share yours, please leave your comments below.
Thank you,
Polished Eye
Very good shot, looks very natural.