A Giant Spectacular I'll never forget.

In 2012 my family and thousands of other people made our way to Stanley Park in liverpool to watch a little girl and her pet dog Xolo to wake up. Her gentle snores and soft mumbles amazed the crowd, we watched her chest rise and fall with each breath as we held ours in excitement. Meanwhile across town at the Albert dock hundreds of thousands of people where also holding their breath waiting for a diver to emerge from the water with a very important letter.
But these where no ordinary little girl, dog or diver for 3 days my home city and it inhabitants where in the presence of giants. Royal De Luxe had come to give the performance of a lifetime, the show was about to begin and a city was about to fall in love.

Music filled the air scores of children who had skipped school gasped and cheered as Xolo ran back and forth stopping every now and again to say hello to his new friends.

There was so much to take in the music, the stars of the show and the puppeteers worked in unison to help a little girl find her uncle.

As she left hundreds of us raced across the park so she could pass us once more, before waving her off as her search began.

We dashed across town to catch up with her as she settled down for a nap.

The children where getting tired so we made our way back to Stanley Park we picnicked and the children had naps of their own as we waited for the uncle to arrive. Eventually faint music reached our ears we woke the children as the crowds gathered around us. Nothing we had seen so far had prepared us for what we where about to see.
A team taking turns to run and jump of a platform to pull on the rope that lifted a foot,

even from a distance he was astounding.

We spent the next day in a similar fashion only this time making our way to the city centre where the two where finally reunited, they hugged and as the little girl danced I saw tears in the eyes of everyone around me.
as they settled down for the night the crowds started to leave wiping their eyes.The atmosphere in the city that night was one of sheer joy and amazement.

We didn't make it to the giants send off the next day the children where exhausted but none of us will ever forget the days we spent chasing giants.
Thanks for reading
Phoenixmaid xx
PS I just heard they are returning in 2018, if your planning a holiday to the uk you might want to spend some of it chasing giants.
They are a French company based in the city of Nantes! Their shows are quite famous!
Oh wow that looks like it was an amazing and unforgettable day. So they are returning. maybe I need to go and chase some giants..
Oh it's so worth it, they visited again last year but I had commitments I couldn't get out of, they brought the little girls gran that time.
A bit scary though those big little girls
I can see why they would scare some people but it truly was astounding.
Reminds me of Gulliver :)
oh I haven't read that in years, will have to dig a copy out.
Sounds and looks a amazing day for you all. Looks like you enjoyed the day as much as the kids :)
haha I did probably a little more so I used to go the theatre a lot but i hadn't had a performance art hit in a very long time. I was in my element.
I am 52 been to the theatre once to watch cats, always promised to go back but never did.
oh i'd watch everything from Ballet to little 1 man shows with a guy and a crate full of oranges and a toy dog. i often got to watch free by ushering if there is a small theater near you ask them about it.
I wish i had gone back and watched more as now I can't with being disabled sitting that long would kill me