Street Photography - Broken

in #photography7 years ago

The dark side

The vast majority of life we generally choose to overlook, the dark grim disturbing sides of a vast stormy ocean that we have little or no control over.

Around the world people are suffering, too many people, yet, like a sailor closing his eyes out of pure desperation hoping, praying that his boat might stay afloat during a storm, we often ignore facts that terrorize so many people around the world.

Is it cause we know that we could do something to change it but choose not to out of fear or selfishness? I know I've caught myself in the same thinking in such a manner. Or do we have no faith in the world, believing that it's problems are unfixable?

Click image to enlarge

Taken on an Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II

I see sincere eyes of agony, desperation and despair. Someone being overlooked, not just by passers by, but by the world. Someone wronged by life itself.

Fixing now

It can be fixed, you can fix it, we all can. By being willing to make sacrifices, to feel empathy and be our best self every day, we can start putting the pieces together. Let's all make an effort to fix the world.

  • What do you see in this picture?
  • Are you troubled by world conditions?
  • Will you try to fix the world?


From the first time I saw your posts, I understand what kind of person you are.
Dear "Peter" I always made those questions to my self, and I claim the same answer.
-You are different than the mass. You live to help others with no payback but with the only award a big smile.

many times I spend hours helping homeless people, talking with them, share my thoughts and "my food" with them. I am not rich, but I believe I can share a piece of bread with a person who really needs it.

This is my life. This is me.

Thank you for your wonderful comment. You're a good man!

Thank you. I appreciate that. The meaning of my comment was not to shout if I am good or not, if we are same or not. Many times I catch my self want to shout out "wake up and give a smile to the unknown person next to you".
I appreciate kind and "real" persons. You are one them for sure

Very poignant question, I think the same that too many people overlook all the suffering. I support charities and try to do what I can, but it will take a World of people to make more of a change.

One person at a time @vtravels

Well buddy hope one day which is my wish that by not with words but by in real work I can help as many as possible within my capability.

Hope the Almighty listens to my prayer .

the eyes saying be determining and never give up such a great shoot :)

Very good fiend

Yes you are welcome

  • I see a person who has suffered as you say only to have been there and not out of desire contemplating the leftovers of others that they can perform for charity.

  • Mainly I am a supporter that the world can change if we all put a grain of sand where we should have daily goals of transforming the world in such a way that we feel comfortable with life itself.

  • I always do it and always do it until it ceases to exist where I also know that there will be other people who do the same.

Thanks for answering my questions

Wow, very touching @peter-parker... We can do a lot for people in needy situations, and start thinking to them is the first step. In the end we know we are not able to change the situation of the world, neither to help everybody. We can do something for someone else thought, mainly spreading out an hope and for shure also in a pratical way. Thanks for your post!

True words, thanks!

Great post, I see someone who is looking right through the camera with deep sadness but hope none the less. I think the world is getting more and more polarized, and it's pretty terrifying really. The worlds rich get richer and the poor poorer. Most people that see things like this look the other way because they are just trying to get by too. The problem is if the world keeps going like it is we'll all be at this end of the scale eventually, save for a select few, the 1%ers! I like to try and help when I can, I can't say I'm living a life of luxury but I'm always aware that even when things feel tough I have a roof over my head and people who love me. If there's some spare change in my wallet I'll usually do my best!

Nice comment, glad you make an effort!

broken but not shattered there lies strength

True, I see a glimmer of strength in her eyes

Pretty good picture.

It's really sad the general situation of the society, but yes, as you said, we have to star working and change the society from our selves.

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