The view at the High Peak!
This is a view of rain and fog. The sight was seen on a cold, wet afternoon. From noon to evening, rain continued to fall in the Aceh highlands. Fog enveloped the Aceh plateau. Even without rain, the Aceh highlands will be shrouded in mist when night falls. Likewise with this time, the fog looks thick because of the rain so that the air becomes very cold. Actually, without rain the air remains cold in the Aceh highlands.
Actually today was a hot afternoon at our residence. The distance between our home and the highlands is only about thirty minutes drive. Our place is famous for the hot weather and makes our bodies hot and our minds confused. That is why, we often spend time in this plateau. Here we take a deep breath because the air is fresh and pollution-free. In this place our bodies are erased from heat due to cold weather. In this place the mind is calm and forgets everything for a few moments.
Here are some more photos!
Such was our journey on a hot day at our residence so we chose a place in the Aceh highlands to calm our souls so that we were free from the weather which made our bodies hot and our minds calm and peaceful.
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