[•] Finding a Minolta TC-1 film camera in today's world.
Look what I found today. On a day out in the corner of my eye I saw a lovely gentleman named Andrew snapping away with his Minolta TC-1. Often the best conversations are started with people holding a camera and today was the day.
Over the years many of us have seen interviews on YouTube with Bellamy Hunt from Japan Camera Hunter talk about camera's like the infamous Ricoh GR1 but there is also another small camera that's very very cool. For me its the Minolta TC-1. It's an ultra rare occasion as I live south of Sydney and we just don't see people shooting with film especially with this type of camera.
Not only does Andrew have this beautiful camera but as a surprise he pulled out a medium format Hasselblad 903 SWC with a Carl Zeiss 38mm f4.5 SUPER WIDE from his bag. That's was in excellent condition and you will have to take my word for it. From one photographer to another and talking I found out he was a massive Leica collector right up to owning a Leica M9 that doesn't get much use as he is an avid film photographer. This really made my day and hope he says hi on one of my pages.
So if your out and about and you see some one with a camera it is always worth it just to say Hi because you never know where the conversation will take you..
On writing this little story I wish I took picture of his Hasselbald to compliment the photo of the Minolta TC-1. On another note what is your favourite camera the Minolta TC-1 or the Ricoh GR1?
Note: Photo taken with Oppo A57 Phone (As the best camera is the one that's with you )
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