Sometimes, you've just got to stop and photograph the butterflies...
The wonderful dance of it all; the rain, the soil, the worms, the plants, the flowers, the butterflies, seeds, the cycle repeating. Praise God that we can all enjoy it!
The volunteer Mustard Greens and Daikon Radishes, plus a little bit of Henbit, are all in bloom in the old garden site. They are attracting a lot of butterflies right now, so I took a break from chores to photograph them for a bit. Life sure can be beautiful if you slow down and look around you.
Honestly, I never even saw this bee when I was taking the photos. Then, when I was reviewing them on the computer, he showed up in five of the pics. I guess he really knows how to photo bomb, plus, now he's famous worldwide! I'm not sure what he's up to in that last photo, but it looks like he's flying sideways!
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Cute to see butterfly.
Their wings sometimes display a face.
That bee is minding is beesness.
I love the shot with a small bee!
Yeah, that was an unexpected surprise!
God’s creation is amazing!
Amen to that! Gotta love it.
Good shots!...:)...
Butterflys are awesome animals... Nice shots @papa-pepper
These are excellent pics. Thanks for taking the time to share them with everyone!
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I love the original photos you share... the images brings out the story in itself.
It is excellent shows nature in its best facets, photography of pure life. Congratulations
great photography
Hi @papa-pepper Spectacular your post.
God is wonderfully evident to me throughout his natural creation. Saint Francis of Assisi was a little man who lived in a little town in the Italian countryside in the 13th Century, but he quickly became famous as a little Christ. He lived out for us the pattern of a life of Christ. He loved God, God’s Word, people, animals, and all of creation.
When we think of oceans and mountains, forests and deserts, trees, plants and animals, the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the galaxies, as God’s creation, waiting eagerly to be “brought into the same glorious freedom as the children of God” (Roman 8:21), we can only stand in awe of God’s majesty and God’s all-embracing plan of salvation. It is not just we, human beings, who wait for salvation in the midst of our suffering; all of creation groans and moans with us longing to reach its full freedom.
I'm wishing you success and growth, and happiness.
A hug